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发布时间:2018-05-03 07:57

  本文选题:社会危险性 + 审查批捕 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:逮捕,是指国家司法机关所采取的、在一定时间内完全剥夺犯罪嫌疑人或被告人人身自由的刑事强制措施。逮捕的适用是为了防止犯罪嫌疑人逃避侦查、起诉、审判或者再实施危害社会或他人的行为。逮捕是整个诉讼活动的开端,是开展侦查工作的基础,是诉讼能否顺利进行的前提。正确地适用逮捕条件,是保证诉讼活动顺利进行的关键。在认定逮捕的三个条件——社会危险性条件、证据条件、刑罚条件中,社会危险性条件由于其主观性强,难以界定,证据不易收集等特点,在学界认识和实践应用中存在许多问题。在79年刑诉法中,逮捕的必要性条件规定为"有逮捕必要的",这样模糊的规定给予了检察机关过大的自由裁量权,导致了在实际应用过程中出现了许多问题。2012年新修的刑事诉讼法,对逮捕条件进行了新的规定,同时列举了五种具有社会危险性的情形。但是,条文中多采用了 "可能""有……危险性"等模糊的字眼,在认定社会危险性时依然存在着社会危险性含义界定不明确、标准不统一、不重视证据审查等问题。本文将从审查批捕中社会危险性条件的司法认定这一角度入手,分析我国社会危险性条件的司法认定中存在的问题,并提出相应的改进措施。本文由五部分组成。第一部分介绍了社会危险性条件的法律内涵、基本特征、和判断方法。本部分主要采用归纳法,在结合实际的基础上,对社会危险性相关因素进行总结。第二部分结合社会环境、实际情况和法律规定,从犯罪嫌疑人的角度出发,归纳总结了影响社会危险性大小的因素。在这一部分,采用了理论结合实际和归纳总结的方法。影响因素是判断社会危险性大小的关键所在,通过对影响因素的了解,可以更为清晰地认定审查逮捕中的社会危险性因素。这两个部分对社会危险性条件有了初步的剖析和了解,为后文打下基础。第三部分提出了我国审查批捕中社会危险性条件司法认定存在的问题,并探讨了这些问题发生的深层次的原因。本部分主要采用了理论联系实际法和演绎法。认识到问题和其发生原因是解决问题的前提,这一部分为解决问题打下了基础。第四部分针对提出的问题,从对社会危险性的认识和司法机关角度两个方向上提出了解决方法。本部分主要采用了归纳法和理论结合实际法。第三、第四部分是本文的核心内容,希望所提的方法能够行之有效的改进对社会危险性条件的认识,切实改善审查批捕的情况。第五部分为结论,主要采用归纳总结法,对上文所述内容进行归纳总结并得出结论。
[Abstract]:Arrest is a criminal coercive measure taken by a state judicial organ to completely deprive the suspect or the defendant of the freedom of the person within a certain period of time. The application of arrest is to prevent the suspects from escaping from investigation, prosecution, trial or practice of endangering society or others. The arrest is the beginning of the entire litigation activity and is carried out. The basis of the investigation work is the premise of the smooth proceeding of the lawsuit. The correct application of the conditions of arrest is the key to ensure the smooth progress of the proceedings. In the three conditions of the arrest, the conditions of social danger, the conditions of evidence, the conditions of the penalty, the social danger conditions are difficult to be defined and the evidence is difficult to collect because of its strong subjectivity. There are many problems in the cognitive and practical application of the academic circles. In the 79 year criminal procedure law, the necessary conditions for arrest are stipulated as "necessary for arrest", which gives the procuratorial organs excessive discretion, which leads to the emergence of a number of problems in the actual application of the Criminal Procedure Law of.2012, and the arrest bar. New provisions are carried out, and five kinds of situations with social danger are enumerated. However, most of the articles use vague words such as "possible", "danger" and so on. In determining social danger, there is still a vague definition of the meaning of social danger, the standard is not unified, and the evidence review is not attached. This article will be reviewed and approved. The judicial cognizance of the social danger conditions of the middle society is the point of view, and the existing problems in the judicial cognizance of the social danger conditions in our country are analyzed and the corresponding improvement measures are put forward. This article is composed of five parts. The first part introduces the legal connotation, basic characteristics, and judgment methods of social dangerous conditions. This part mainly adopts the induction method, On the basis of combining the reality, this paper sums up the related factors of social danger. The second part, combining the social environment, the actual situation and the legal provisions, sums up the factors affecting the social danger from the angle of the criminal suspect. In this part, it adopts the method of combining theory with practice and summing up the method. The key to judge the size of social danger is that by understanding the influence factors, we can clearly identify the social risk factors in the examination and arrest. These two parts have a preliminary analysis and understanding of the social risk conditions and lay the foundation for the latter. The third part puts forward the social risk conditions for the examination and approval of our country. This part mainly adopts the theory related to the practical and deductive methods. This part recognizes that the problem and its cause are the premise for solving the problem, and this part lays a foundation for solving the problem. The fourth part of the problem, from the recognition of social danger. A solution is put forward in the two directions of understanding and judicial organs. This part mainly adopts the induction and theory to combine the practical method. The third, the fourth part is the core content of this article. I hope that the proposed method can effectively improve the understanding of the social danger conditions, and improve the situation of the review and approval. The fifth part is the conclusion. On the basis of summarizing and summarizing the above contents, the conclusion is drawn.



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