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发布时间:2018-05-03 09:55

  本文选题:释明权 + 民事诉讼 ; 参考:《大连海事大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:释明权制度是大陆法系民事诉讼中的一项重要制度,与辩论主义、处分权主义、民事诉讼公正效率等价值具有深层次关系,能够有效的弥补当事人主义审判模式存在的弊端,起到保障当事人诉讼权利、维护司法公正、提高诉讼效率的重要积极作用。随着我国民事审判方式改革的逐步深入,释明权制度已经越来越受到我国民事诉讼法学界和实务界的广泛关注。释明权应该界定为法官的职权,但它同时又是法官履行审判职能时的一种重要义务,如何促使法官正确的进行释明,确保案件能够得到公平、正确的处理,从而实现释明制度的价值和目的,进而维护法律的公平正义是释明权制度的价值所在。 本文共分五个部分:依次为释明权的基本问题、释明权适用的原则、释明权适用的范围、释明权适用的阶段以及释明权不当适用的救济。释明权的基本问题主要涉及释明权的界定、性质、我们目前立法以及司法现状;释明权适用的原则为如何行使设定规范;释明权适用的范围要严格的依据相关的法律和司法解释;在司法实践中,释明权适用的阶段可以贯穿于全部的审判、执行环节;而释明权的救济则力图寻找不当行使释明权后,如何消除为当事人带来的负面法律后果。综合以上五个部分,笔者力求从理论出发,与审判实践相结合的角度对释明权的基本理论、立法和司法现状、我国释明权制度构建的设想这几个大的方面对释明权的适用问题进行论述。
[Abstract]:The interpretation right system is an important system in civil litigation of civil law system . It has a deep relation with the value of debate , prescription , civil litigation justice and so on . It plays an important role in guaranteeing party ' s litigation rights , safeguarding judicial fairness and improving the efficiency of litigation .

In this paper , five parts are divided into five parts : the basic problem of the right of interpretation , the principle of the application of the interpretation right , the scope of the application of the interpretation right , the stage of the application of the interpretation right and the remedy of the improper application of the interpretation right . The basic problem of the right of interpretation mainly involves the definition , the nature , the present legislation and the present situation of the judiciary ;
The principle of the application of the interpretation right is how to exercise the set specification ;
The scope of the application of the interpretation right should be in strict accordance with the relevant legal and judicial interpretation ;
In the judicial practice , the stage of the application of the interpretation right can be run through all trial and execution links ;
On the other hand , the author attempts to find out how to eliminate the negative legal consequences brought by the parties after the exercise of the right of interpretation . Based on the above five parts , the author tries to discuss the basic theory , legislative and judicial status quo of the right of interpretation from the perspective of the combination of theory and practice , and discusses the application of the concept of the construction of the system of interpretation right in China .



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