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发布时间:2018-05-03 23:13

  本文选题:刑事被告人 + 对质权 ; 参考:《太原科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在我国的刑事审判实践中,司法权用秘密证据处罚被告人、证人不出庭作证成为诉讼常态,这种做法不仅破坏了司法审判的公正性,也与以保障不可侵犯的个人基本人权为核心的现代宪政理念相悖。刑事被告人对质权是指在刑事诉讼中被告人享有与不利于己的证人面对面并对其进行对抗性询问的权利,是法治国家宪法和国际人权公约赋予刑事被告人在刑事诉讼中享有的基本性程序权利,也是刑事被告人获得公平审判的最低限度的程序保障,而我国目前仍未确立刑事被告人的对质权。 通过阐释刑事被告人对质权的正当性根据,分析揭示被告人行使对质权的问题与障碍,结合实践探寻我国刑事被告人对质权的必要性和可行性,提出了确立对质权的设想建议。刑事被告人对质权的理论基础源于维护人的尊严的诉讼主体理论和程序正义理论具有保障人权和发现真实的多元价值。出于限制政府权力和保障基本人权的现代宪政要求及新刑事诉讼法确立的证人出庭制度,刑事被告人对质权的确立不仅有其内在的必要性,,而且也具有了可行性。刑事被告人对质权的实现必须有相关的制度和程序予以保障,一是确立无罪推定原则,二是要完善现代辩护制度,三是建立强制取证程序。
[Abstract]:In our country's criminal trial practice, the judicial power punishes the defendant with secret evidence, and the witness's failure to testify in court becomes the norm of the lawsuit, which not only destroys the justice of the judicial trial, but also damages the justice of the trial. It also runs counter to the modern constitutionalism, which focuses on the protection of the inviolable basic human rights of the individual. The criminal defendant's right to pledge refers to the defendant's right to face to face with witnesses who are unfavorable to him and to conduct confrontational questioning against him in criminal proceedings. It is the basic procedural rights that the criminal defendants enjoy in the criminal proceedings under the constitution of the rule of law and the international human rights conventions, and are the minimum procedural guarantees for the criminal defendants to obtain a fair trial, But our country still has not established the criminal defendant's right to pledge at present. Based on the explanation of the justification of the criminal defendant to the pledge right, this paper analyzes and reveals the problems and obstacles of the defendant in exercising the pledge right, probes into the necessity and feasibility of the criminal defendant's right to pledge in our country, and puts forward some tentative suggestions for establishing the pledge right. The theoretical basis of the defendant's right to pledge originates from the theory of the subject of action and the theory of procedural justice which safeguard the dignity of the human being. In order to limit the power of the government and guarantee the basic human rights, the modern constitutional requirements and the witness appearance system established in the new criminal procedure law, the establishment of the pledge right of the criminal defendant not only has its inherent necessity, but also has the feasibility. The realization of the pledge right of the criminal defendant must be guaranteed by relevant systems and procedures, one is to establish the principle of presumption of innocence, the other is to perfect the modern defense system, and the third is to establish the compulsory procedure for obtaining evidence.


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