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发布时间:2018-05-03 22:14

  本文选题:指定居所监视居住 + 特别重大贿赂犯罪 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In 2012, our country amended and promulgated the new Criminal procedure Law, and made more systematic and detailed provisions on the compulsory measure of surveillance residence in the articles, and for the first time reflected the designated residence monitoring residence system in the legal provisions. The introduction of this law makes the system of compulsory measures in criminal proceedings in our country more hierarchical, giving procuratorial organs more choice in the investigation of job-related crime cases, and providing a legal basis for the application of compulsory measures of residence monitoring in the application of designated residence. It has effectively promoted the investigation work of our country's procuratorial organ duty crime case. However, the application of designated residence in the investigation of job-related crimes also reveals that there are obvious deficiencies in the relevant legislation and its application in our country. How to correctly understand the relevant laws and regulations, perfect and accurately apply the designated residence monitoring residence system, has been the focus of discussion in Chinese academic circles and relevant practical departments. By means of examples and analogies, the author analyzes the problems found in the application of the system of designated residence monitoring in practice, and puts forward some countermeasures to perfect it. The content of this paper is divided into four parts: the first part mainly discusses the connotation and significance of the designated residence monitoring residence system. This paper begins with the explanation of the concept of designated residence monitoring residence, then compares the similarities and differences of the related concepts, and then explains the significance of formulating the supervised residence system, explains and compares it from three aspects, and clarifies the designated residence monitoring residence system. The second part, mainly examines the extraterritorial similar system. This paper compares the residence surveillance system with the similar system in seven foreign countries and regions of different legal systems, and draws the relevant enlightenment from the current situation of our country's judicature. The third part mainly lists the current situation and existing problems of the procuratorial organ applying designated residence to monitor residence. Starting from the practical cases, this paper analyzes the data of some provinces' application in the past years, and points out that the definition and identification standard of the amount of the especially important bribery crime that occurs in the course of application is not clear. The definition of particularly significant levels and significant social influence is not clear, the provisions on the absence of fixed residence and the designated residence are not specific, the provisions on the specific circumstances in which the execution of the residence may hinder investigation are not comprehensive, and the subject of execution is confused and misplaced. The application cost is too high and so on. The fourth part mainly expounds how to solve the problems in application. In view of the problems in practice mentioned in the third part, such as accurately defining "especially serious bribery crime", correctly defining "no fixed residence" and "designated residence", specifying residence to monitor the subject of residence enforcement is put forward. It is reasonable to standardize the scope of the investigation, to strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of the residents under surveillance, to strengthen the internal restriction of the procuratorial organ, and so on.


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