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发布时间:2018-05-04 00:28

  本文选题:民商事仲裁证据收集 + 价值 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:作为一种重要且有效的非讼纠纷解决方式,仲裁因其所具有的便捷性、保密性和可执行性强等优势,在实践中被广泛认可和采用,同时在减轻法院负担方面也有积极的作用。众所周知,民商事仲裁证据是案件审理的生命线,民商事仲裁证据的收集作为仲裁证据程序的基础,是更好的进行举证、质证、认证等证据程序的关键。因此,在民商事仲裁程序不断向前发展的同时,进一步的确立和完善民商事仲裁证据收集制度是至关重要的。然而,目前我国对于民商事仲裁证据收集制度的研究并没有给予应有的关注和重视。通过一年多的时间,笔者对民商事仲裁证据收集制度的理论基础以及域外相关问题进行深入、系统的探讨和研究,对完善我国民商事证据收集制度提出更好的建议。 本文共分为五个部分,第一部分主要在理论上对我国民商事仲裁证据收集制度予以阐述,在分析民商事仲裁证据收集的概念和性质的基础上,详细阐述了民商事仲裁证据收集的来源,包括当事人提供证据、仲裁庭调查取证和法院司法协助来获取证据。之后通过对各地方的仲裁规则进行比较,对提交民商事仲裁证据的期限进行了研究。 第二部分主要对于贯穿于整个民商事仲裁证据收集制度的基础理论进行研究,概述了民商事仲裁证据收集制度的公正与效益价值和当事人意思自治原则、平等对待原则、司法支持原则等基本原则。 第三部分采用比较法,以英美法系和大陆法系中的不同国家和地区作为比较范围和对象,研究关于民商事仲裁证据收集制度的内容,在充分考虑我国国情的基础上,对于当事人的仲裁证据收集权、仲裁庭在获取证据时的权力及法院对获取证据的支持义务等问题进行合理的分析和借鉴。 第四部分对我国现行立法中关于民商事仲裁证据收集制度的规定进行概括与评析,归纳了我国民商事仲裁证据收集制度的立法缺陷,其中包括当事人的仲裁证据收集权得不到程序保障、仲裁庭的调查取证权可操作性差以及仲裁证据保全不能够实现该程序设立的初衷等问题。 第五部分是针对我国民商事仲裁证据收集制度存在的问题,提出了相应的建议和措施,以期补足现行民商事仲裁证据收集制度中的缺失,对完善我国民商事仲裁证据收集制度有所裨益。
[Abstract]:As an important and effective way to resolve non-litigation disputes, arbitration is widely accepted and adopted in practice because of its advantages of convenience, confidentiality and executability, and it also plays an active role in lightening the burden of the court. As we all know, civil and commercial arbitration evidence is the lifeline of case, the collection of civil and commercial arbitration evidence as the basis of arbitration evidence procedure, is a better proof, cross-examination, authentication and other evidence procedures. Therefore, while the civil and commercial arbitration procedure develops continuously, it is very important to further establish and perfect the civil and commercial arbitration evidence collection system. However, at present, the research on evidence collection system of civil and commercial arbitration in our country has not given due attention and attention. Through more than one year, the author makes a thorough and systematic study on the theoretical basis of the evidence collection system of civil and commercial arbitration and the relevant issues abroad, and puts forward better suggestions to improve the collection system of civil and commercial evidence in our country. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part mainly expounds the evidence collection system of civil and commercial arbitration in theory, and analyzes the concept and nature of civil and commercial arbitration evidence collection. The sources of evidence collection in civil and commercial arbitration are described in detail, including the evidence provided by the parties, the investigation and collection of evidence by the arbitral tribunal and the judicial assistance of the court to obtain the evidence. Then, by comparing the arbitration rules of various places, the paper studies the time limit of submitting civil and commercial arbitration evidence. The second part mainly studies the basic theory which runs through the whole civil and commercial arbitration evidence collection system, summarizes the justice and benefit value of the civil and commercial arbitration evidence collection system, the principle of party autonomy, the principle of equal treatment. Basic principles such as the principle of judicial support. The third part uses the comparative method, taking different countries and regions in the common law system and the civil law system as the comparative scope and object, studies the content of the evidence collection system of civil and commercial arbitration, on the basis of fully considering the national conditions of our country. For the party's right to collect evidence in arbitration, the power of the arbitral tribunal in obtaining evidence and the court's obligation to support the acquisition of evidence are analyzed and used for reference. The fourth part summarizes and evaluates the provisions of the evidence collection system of civil and commercial arbitration in the current legislation of our country, and sums up the legislative defects of the evidence collection system of China's national commercial arbitration. Including the parties' right to collect the arbitration evidence can not be guaranteed by the procedure, the arbitration tribunal's right of investigation and evidence collection is not operable, and the preservation of the arbitral evidence can not realize the original intention of the procedure. The fifth part is aimed at the problems existing in the evidence collection system of civil and commercial arbitration in China, and puts forward corresponding suggestions and measures in order to make up for the deficiency in the current evidence collection system of civil and commercial arbitration. It is beneficial to improve the evidence collection system of civil and commercial arbitration in China.


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