本文选题:强制措施 + 无罪推定原则 ; 参考:《青年记者》2014年26期
[Abstract]:According to the principle of presumption of innocence, the criminal suspects and defendants who are being detained in detention facilities should be regarded as ordinary citizens who are not guilty even if they are sentenced to imprisonment, and their living treatment cannot be diminished by imprisonment. Living conditions are one of the most basic human rights. However, because the prison is overcrowded, the per capita living area is narrow and the living environment is poor, the prisoners are short of material supply, the food is relatively unitary, and the malnutrition causes the detainees to be weak and sick. Especially in spring infectious diseases, autumn and winter high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, inmates in detention facilities are prone to sudden death from sudden illness. In addition, due to the poor environment, the material benefits of the detainees in the detention centre
【作者单位】: 山东警察学院;
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