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发布时间:2018-05-04 03:24

  本文选题:督促程序 + 支付令 ; 参考:《山东社会科学》2017年09期

[Abstract]:With regard to the question of whether payment orders in procedures have res judicata, different countries and regions have chosen different models according to their respective judicial systems. The implementation of the system is manifested in two modes of giving res judicata and only executing power of payment order. Giving res judicata to payment orders is positive for quick determination and resolution of disputes between the parties, but if the relevant relief system is not matched with it, it is likely that it will become a tool for infringing the legitimate interests of the parties; for example, if only the enforcement power is given, It is not conducive to the thorough settlement of disputes between the parties. After the amendment of the Civil procedure Law of China, the issue of the res judicata of the supervisory procedure payment order was launched. On the basis of the analysis of the res judicata in Germany, Austria and other countries, It is of great significance for the improvement of the relevant system of our country to demonstrate the legitimate basis of payment order of supervision procedure in our country, and then put forward some suggestions on the perfection of debtor relief procedure.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学法学院;长安区人民检察院;


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