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发布时间:2018-05-05 03:06

  本文选题:网络团购 + 消费者权益 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着互联网的普及,网络交易市场日益繁荣。近年来,受国外Groupon团购模式的影响,我国网络团购市场也迅速发展。凭借着网络交易和团购这两大新型购物模式的优势,网络团购消费者的议价能力得到了很大的提高,购买了很多商品物美价廉,,切切实实的享受到了高科技带给生活的便利。但是,在消费者享受着这些好处的同时,也带来许多不好的后果。由于缺乏法律的有效规制、行业监督和个人诚信,导致了许多侵犯网络团购消费者权益的现象,严重阻碍了网络团购行业的健康发展。有鉴于此,本文从保护消费者权益的角度出发,在充分分析了我国网络团购行业发展现状、网络团购给消费者权益带来的挑战和立法对消费者权益保护现状的基础上,提出了完善我国网络团购消费者权益保护建议。 除引言和致谢外,本文共分为四个部分进行论述。 第一部分为“网络团购概述”,首先阐述了网络团购的概念,其次介绍了网络团购的模式,分析各种网络团购模式与普通网络购物模式的区别并最终确定本文主要研究第三方发起模式,进而研究该模式的特点,最后概括了我国网络团购行业的发展现状。 第二部分是“网络团购给我国消费者权益保护带来的挑战”,也是本文的重点,以消费者权利为基础,结合广大网络团购消费者购物的实际,分析了网络团购给消费者安全权、知情权、公平交易权和求偿权带来的挑战。 第三部分是“我国网络团购消费者权益的法律保护”,阐述了我国网络团购消费者权益的立法、司法保护的基本情况,重点分析了目前我国网络团购消费者权益法律保护的不足。 第四部分是“我国网络团购消费者权益保护的完善”,是本文的重点和难点,主要是针对本文的第二部分和第三部分中所论述的我国网络团购消费者权益面临的挑战和法律保护的不足提出的完善措施。
[Abstract]:With the popularity of the Internet, the network trading market is booming. In recent years, under the influence of foreign Groupon group purchase mode, our country network group purchase market also develops rapidly. Relying on the advantages of the two new shopping modes of online trading and group buying, the bargaining power of online group buying consumers has been greatly improved, and a lot of goods have been purchased at a good price and cheap, and they have enjoyed the convenience brought by high technology to life. However, while consumers enjoy these benefits, there are also many negative consequences. Due to the lack of effective legal regulation, industry supervision and personal integrity, it leads to a lot of violations of the rights and interests of online group buying consumers, and seriously hinders the healthy development of the online group buying industry. In view of this, from the angle of protecting the rights and interests of consumers, this paper analyzes the current situation of the development of the online group buying industry, the challenges brought by the network group buying to the consumers' rights and interests, and the current situation of the protection of the consumers' rights and interests by legislation. Some suggestions are put forward to improve the protection of consumers' rights and interests. In addition to the introduction and thanks, this article is divided into four parts to discuss. The first part is "the network group purchase outline", first elaborated the network group purchase concept, then introduced the network group purchase pattern, This paper analyzes the differences between various online group buying models and ordinary online shopping models, and finally determines that this paper mainly studies the third-party initiation model, and then studies the characteristics of this model. Finally, it summarizes the development status of China's network group buying industry. The second part is "the challenge to the protection of consumers' rights and interests brought by online group buying", which is also the focus of this paper. Based on the rights of consumers, the paper analyzes the right of online group buying to consumers' safety, combined with the reality of the vast number of online group buying consumers' shopping. The right to know, the right to fair trade and the right to claim. The third part is "the legal protection of the rights and interests of the online group buying consumers in China", which expounds the basic situation of the legislation and judicial protection of the rights and interests of the online group buying consumers in our country. Focus on the analysis of the current network group purchase consumer rights and interests of the legal protection deficiencies. The fourth part is the perfection of the protection of consumers' rights and interests in China's network group buying, which is the focus and difficulty of this paper. This article mainly aims at the second part and the third part of this article discusses the network group purchase consumer rights and interests in our country to face the challenge and the legal protection insufficiency proposed the consummation measure.


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