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发布时间:2018-05-06 02:04

  本文选题:近代湖南 + 检察制度 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:The procuratorial system is the important content of the judicial system, which is of great significance in ensuring the fair administration of justice and realizing the fairness and justice. From the point of view of the emergence process and value basis of the procuratorial system in China, it is not the product of the inherent cultural soil and the local institutional environment of China, but the result of studying and transplanting the western legal system in modern times. Therefore, like the legal culture and spiritual value on which we live, our country is not smooth in the process of accepting the western procuratorial system, but is full of bumps and frustrations, among which there are successful experiences and more painful failures. This article takes the development course of modern Hunan procuratorial system as the research object, applies the theories and methods of historical sociology, philology, sociology of law and so on, probes into the historical vicissitude of Hunan procuratorial system, and summarizes the operation of procuratorial power. On the basis of analyzing the experience of Hunan procuratorial system's success and failure and its changing and developing rules, the author tries to provide historical reference for the reform of procuratorial system and the promotion of local rule of law in our country. The first chapter introduces the significance of the topic, the scope and object of the research, the status quo of the research and the ideas and methods of the research, with emphasis on the innovation. The second chapter mainly introduces the origin of Chinese procuratorial system. The procuratorial system of China originated from the constitution and law revision in the late Qing Dynasty, which was the result of studying and transplanting the western judicial system in the late Qing Dynasty. If China's procuratorial system is the mainstream, then Hunan's procuratorial system is a tributary. Hunan is faced with some constraints of its own conditions and environment and has a unique development personality when establishing the procuratorial system. The third chapter mainly introduces the background and basic process of Hunan procuratorial system in late Qing Dynasty, and analyzes the reasons why Hunan's preparatory procuratorial system lags behind other provinces. The fourth chapter mainly introduces the establishment and practice of Hunan procuratorial system in the period of Beiyang government. The procuratorial system in this period is the successor to the judicial system of the late Qing Dynasty, which has both the upsurge of the system and the setback of abolishment. Chapter five introduces the development and practice of Hunan procuratorial system during the period of provincial constitution. In the process of China's institutional modernization, there are both eager and conservative aspects. The constitutional movement of Hunan Province was a wonder in the history of Chinese political system. Driven by the trend of thought of autonomy in the United provinces, Hunan made its own constitution and elected the governor publicly. It established a whole set of self-proclaimed legal and political systems, and the procuratorial system was also different from other provinces. The best expression of Hunan personality. The sixth chapter mainly introduces the Hunan procuratorial system in the period of Nanjing National Government. As the Nanjing National Government realized the unification of China in form, the procuratorial system of Hunan and the whole country was basically consistent in this period. However, due to the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan, Hunan is the main battlefield of the War of Resistance, and the war zone procuratorial organ has its unique characteristics. In the last part, the author summarizes the characteristics, experiences and lessons of modern Hunan procuratorial system, and looks forward to the reform of Hunan procuratorial system.


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