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发布时间:2018-05-06 09:01

  本文选题:里约奥运会 + 体育仲裁 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The 31 st Olympic Games were successfully held in Rio de Janeiro. During the Olympic Games, the International Court of Sports Arbitration set up an interim arbitration institution in Rio de Janeiro. As the sports dispute settlement organization during the Olympic Games, the ad hoc arbitration institution referred to the special arbitration tribunal in the past Olympic Games. But at the Rio Olympics, the ad hoc arbitration body was enriched, including not only the ad hoc tribunal, but also the anti-doping tribunal. The two arbitral tribunals are jointly responsible for resolving sports disputes arising during the Olympic Games. As a newly established sports dispute settlement body, the rules applicable by the Anti-Doping Arbitration Tribunal are the Arbitration rules of the Anti-Doping Arbitration Tribunal, which are specially formulated by the International Sports Arbitration Council, And the arbitration rules of the special arbitration tribunal are in the same line and have their own characteristics. During the Rio Olympics, the two arbitral tribunals heard 36 arbitration cases, the anti-doping tribunal heard 8 cases, and the special tribunal heard 28 cases. Among the cases heard by the Special Arbitration Tribunal, there were 23 cases of eligibility, 2 cases of doping, 2 cases of results of competition decisions and 1 case of discipline. Among the cases heard by the Anti-Doping Arbitration Tribunal, there were seven cases of doping and one case of eligibility for participation, in which the cases heard were ruled without jurisdiction. There is a clear difference between the two arbitral tribunals in the jurisdiction of the case. The anti-doping tribunal has more restrictions on the jurisdiction of the case. It must be a doping case. The IOC declares the violation of the anti-doping rules and initiates the arbitration as an applicant. The anti-doping tribunal has jurisdiction over the case. The ad hoc tribunal has jurisdiction as long as it is during or related to the Olympic Games. The practice of sports arbitration in Rio Olympic Games has some positive aspects, such as following the previous rules and setting up a new anti-doping arbitration institution, which also reflects the problems existing in the Olympic sports arbitration at present. Such as: the defects of the case acceptance review, the absence of the law on the transfer of the case to jurisdiction. Through the overall consideration of the arbitration cases of the Rio Olympic Games, the enlightenment to athletes, international individual sports organizations and the National Olympic Committee of China is obtained.


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