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发布时间:2018-05-06 19:01

  本文选题:第三人撤销之诉 + 原告适格 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The action of the third party's revocation is an important link in the procedure of the third party's ex post protection in our country. Its existence has its legitimacy and necessity, and it can give full play to its efficiency-to contain the malicious lawsuit, and to provide the third party with the validity of the judgment between others. Adequate ex post relief In other countries and regions of the continental law system, a mature and effective third party revocation litigation system has been formed. Although the legislative basis of each legislative case is different, it reflects the original intention of protecting the private rights of the third party. China's Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "Civil procedure Law") has formally set up the third party to revoke the system. Due to the short time of establishment of the system of the third party's revocation, and the general provisions of the system in the Civil procedure Law, there are many problems in the practice of the system. The key problem in the construction and perfection of the system of third party revocation in our country is to solve the problem of the plaintiff's qualification. Since the third party's revocation in our country is the product of other legislations in the civil law system, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the various legislative cases, especially the third party dissent system in France and the third party revocation action system in Taiwan. It can provide valuable reference for our country to explore and construct the third party revocation action. However, the creation and perfection of any system cannot be accomplished overnight. From the angle of view of the plaintiff's qualification of the third party's revocation action, this paper discusses the rationality of the third party's revocation action in our country by analyzing the basic connotation, nature, function and legislative basis of the third party's revocation action system. At the same time, the author compares the third party revocation action system with the revocation litigation system in France and Taiwan, and summarizes the problems existing in the application of the third party revocation action system, including the confusion of litigation subjects and the unclear scope of application. The problems of overappeal and coordination with other procedures are prominent, and some reasonable and feasible suggestions are also given. Only by clarifying the suitable plaintiff of the third party revocation system in our country, defining the scope of application of the system, coordinating the relationship between the relevant procedures, establishing and perfecting the res judicata system and lawsuit informing system, Only then can the third party withdraw the action system to maximize the exertion to restrain the malicious lawsuit and to protect the third party's rights and interests. Although the system of third party revocation in China is imported, through reasonable planning and construction, it will be able to form the post-event safeguard procedure with Chinese characteristics, and cooperate organically with the system of application for retrial and the execution of dissent system. Form a mature and perfect third party post-protection system.


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