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发布时间:2018-05-07 00:00

  本文选题:依法行政 + 外部监督 ; 参考:《学术界》2015年10期

[Abstract]:The basic requirement of our country's administration according to law is that the law is not authorized, the law must be authorized, and the administrative action should be programmed, and the illegal administration must be investigated. However, through the empirical analysis and qualitative analysis of administrative reconsideration cases and administrative litigation cases, it is found that there are offside, left and right offside, up and down offside in the aspect of "law without authorization" in the administrative organs of our country. Regional offside, procedure offside, etc., there are some unintentional administrative problems, such as "law has authorization must be carried out", administrative organs do not act strictly according to law, do not take the initiative, act unreasonably, act in bad faith, act incorruptibly and so on; In the aspect of "procedure of administrative act", there are some disorderly administrative problems, such as not acting according to the legal way, not acting according to the legal order, not acting according to the legal time limit, etc. In the aspect of "illegal administration must be investigated", the administrative reconsideration maintenance rate is too high, The low rate of error correction and the difficulty of filing the case, the trial and the execution of the administrative proceedings bring about the administrative problems without responsibility. The main reasons for these problems are that China's civil service system is not perfect, and civil servants have not really formed the basis of administration by law; the supervision by the people's Congress, judicial supervision, and social supervision have not really played the role of forcing the administrative organs to administer according to law. In the world, only countries that mainly rely on external supervision to realize administration according to law, but not countries whose external supervision power is fictitious, mainly rely on the consciousness of administrative organs to realize administration according to law. In the future, only by perfecting the functions of external forces that urge the administrative organs to administer according to law can they change the level of administration according to law.
【作者单位】: 上海市文史研究馆;


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