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发布时间:2018-05-06 22:31

  本文选题:年龄认定 + 举证责任 ; 参考:《青少年犯罪问题》2016年01期

[Abstract]:The identification of age is the most important problem that needs to be solved in juvenile justice. In judicial practice, the difficulty of age identification is aggravated by the dissent of household registration certificate, because the complexity of obtaining evidence and proof becomes a kind of "phantom defense". In judicial practice, the objection to the proof of household registration shows that the registration of household registration itself is inaccurate, the date of birth needs to be converted by the public lunar calendar, pure fraud and other different types, in order to cope with the challenge of proof of household registration to the juvenile judicial age. It is feasible to allocate the burden of proof and establish the rules of proof, but it is worth discussing how to operate concretely. The objection of household registration certificate is caused by various social factors, so the judicial organs should work together with other competent organs and relevant personnel to do a good job in preventing and coping with each other through various means.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学凯原法学院;上海市松江区人民检察院;


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