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发布时间:2018-05-07 03:19

  本文选题:知识产权 + 诉前行为保全 ; 参考:《环球法律评论》2016年04期

[Abstract]:Although the civil procedure law of our country has established the system of preservation of acts before litigation, there are some difficulties in applying for preservation in practice, which is a stubborn disease that puzzles the intellectual property right holders and interested parties, and also leads to the legislation of our country. There is a certain division between judicial and theoretical research. In addition to having a common institutional background with "difficulty to sue", there are also unique institutional causes for "difficulty of application". Its theoretical roots can be attributed to the limitation of the scope of the right of action, the contempt of procedural matters and the misreading of the standard of proof. By expanding the category of the right of action and establishing a multi-dimensional system of the right of action, we can theoretically overcome the blind spot of the reform of the registration system. Through the systematic interpretation of article 101 of the Civil procedure Code and articles 108 and 109 of the Civil procedure Law, the three-tier structure of the standard of proof can be established, marked by "explanation of reasons" and "possibility". The standard of proof of preservation of pre-action act and some procedural matters is defined as clarification. In fact, only by taking the solution of "application difficulties" as an important part of the reform of the registration system, under the background of increasing the supply of litigation and improving judicial assistance, can we adhere to the criteria of superiority and inevitability. In order to fundamentally perfect our country's system of preservation of pre-action.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;


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