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发布时间:2018-05-07 07:41

  本文选题:职务犯罪案件 + 跨行政区划管辖 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:"Duty crime cases cross administrative division jurisdiction" means that in order to prevent the local party and government power and suspects suspected of duty crime, the defendant makes use of the relationship of the industry to have a negative effect on the impartiality of the investigation activities and trial activities, and then a criminal procedure jurisdiction system, which is replaced by the procuratorate and the court, is replaced by a criminal procedure jurisdiction system. The experience of extraterritorial law shows that, although there is no direct provision of the jurisdiction of the administrative division of the duty crime case, but from its judicial system, it reflects more or less the proper separation between the local administrative division and the judicial division, and its purpose is to prevent the local power from the judicial independence and the judicial impartiality. As an example, the United States often uses the civil jurors independent of the system to exercise the power of investigation for the duty crime. In the trial link, the United States Constitution delicits the jurisdiction of the central judiciary and the local judiciary, effectively preventing the local protectionism. It can make the procuratorate and the court impartially exercise the right of investigation and trial, and ensure the procedural benefits of judicial cases, while guaranteeing the judicial personnel to be protected from the local power. From the historical development of the "cross administrative division jurisdiction of the duty crime cases" in our country, the eight system of the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the reconnaissance of the Song Dynasty The quality is to maintain the feudal monarchy and the feudal hierarchy, but indistinctly embody the "rule of law" that prevents local power from interfering in the judiciary. In the modern sense, "the jurisdiction of the administrative division of the duty crime" began in the "Mu Ma case" in 2001. In this case, the main officials were mainly referred to the people's Procuratorate outside its place. The people's court is under the jurisdiction of the people's court, but from the time of -2016 2001 and fifteen, the crime of duty is handed over to the people's Procuratorate and the people's court, and there is no direct regulation in our country's legislation. In judicial practice, the people's Procuratorate is often passed by the superior people's Procuratorate, the people's court has designated the lower level people's Procuratorate, and the people's court has jurisdiction to realize the duty. Criminal cases have jurisdiction over zoning. There are many problems such as the lack of clear legal basis, the unclear jurisdiction of the subject, the infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of the criminal suspects or the accused. In December 2014, the Central Committee began in Beijing, Shanghai carried out the people's Procuratorate of the cross administrative division, and tried to innovate the trial of the people's Court of the cross administrative division. However, this reform still does not break through the threshold limit of the designated jurisdiction, and does not fundamentally change the essence of the jurisdiction of the duty crime, that is, the redistribution of power within the judicial system, and to promote the construction of the jurisdiction system of the case of the crime in China, and to stipulate the basic principles of the system on the macro level. The principle of proper separation between the division of law and the administrative division, the principle of judicial economy and the principle of the protection of the rights of the criminal suspects and the defendants all should be carried out. At the micro level, the procuratorate should be clearly defined in the legislature, and the court has exclusive jurisdiction over the case of the duty crime; at the same time, the regional setting of the procuratorate of the administrative division and the court The management of people, money and things should be properly separated from the administrative division, and the court should be set up by two levels of institutions. In addition, in order to ensure the efficiency and human rights of the procuratorate, the court should clarify and optimize the relationship between the procuratorate of the administrative division, the court and the discipline inspection department, and the relationship between the court and the discipline inspection department. It is not unimportant that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress should also set up a special institution to supervise the judicial power of the procuratorate of the court and the court.



相关硕士学位论文 前1条

1 黄亮亮;职务犯罪异地管辖研究[D];南京大学;2013年




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