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发布时间:2018-05-08 01:35

  本文选题:《张船山判牍》 + 明法断案 ; 参考:《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》2013年01期

[Abstract]:Since the establishment of the imperial examination system in the Sui and Tang dynasties, most of the traditional Chinese social officials have entered their official career through the imperial examinations. All they have studied are Confucian classics, and eventually they became local parents at all levels. And the judicial activities, which account for a large proportion of the administrative affairs of local officials, are undoubtedly the best way to practice Confucian values. < Zhang Chuanshan Jiejiu > contains the relevant cases that Zhang Chuanshan tried while he was in the Laizhou Prefecture of Shandong Province. The judicial trial emphasizes the right and wrong, resolves the dispute, and the judgment is reasonable and legal. Among them, the Confucian legal values play an important role, including the "Ming law cases", "reason law" the unity of etiquette and law "view, the parents of" education first ", the core is to maintain the human relationship of heaven.
【作者单位】: 华东政法大学法律学院;


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