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发布时间:2018-05-08 01:41

  本文选题:司法公正 + 社会认同 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the attention of people to the law and the growing demand for justice, the pace of judicial reform in China has not stopped. At present, our country is in the social transition period, the economy grows rapidly, the multiple benefits blend and the differentiation, the society changes rapidly, various kinds of disputes emerge in large numbers, the social contradiction unceasingly intensifies. In this case, as one of the indispensable means of solution, justice should solve all kinds of disputes as far as possible in a more reasonable and socially acceptable way, and resolve the social contradictions and the needs of the society for the administration of justice. It is also a driving force in the process of promoting the rule of law in our country. With the judicial reform in full swing, the 18th National Congress of the CPC made an important strategic plan to further deepen the reform of the judicial system, and the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee also established the main task of promoting the construction of China under the rule of law and deepening the reform of the judicial system. By 2015, the people's court has issued the fourth five-year reform outline 2014--2018, which has established the main line of the work of upholding justice for the people and just administration of justice, in order to make the people feel fair and just in every judicial case. In recent years, the contradiction that judicial capacity can not meet the needs of the society has become more and more acute, and the social identity and trust of judicial justice have been constantly attacked. The social identity of judicial justice has become a problem that has to be paid attention to and solved in the judicial reform of our country. This article starts with theory and practice, analyzes the problems in theory and practice, combining with typical cases, seeks to improve the social identity of judicial justice in the conflict, in order to give judicial reform. The judicial worker carries on the judicial activity to provide some superficial suggestion. This article mainly from the judicial justice social identification theory analysis, the judicial justice and the social identity internal relations, The analysis of the reasons that influence the social identity of judicial justice and the analysis of the path of improving the social identity of judicial justice are discussed respectively, which are divided into five parts as a whole. The first part of the introduction is divided into the reasons of the topic, research significance, research status, research methods and innovative points, from why to choose the origin of the study on this topic, to do a general description of the current situation of research on this issue in China. For the text part of the study to lay a good foundation. The second chapter is the theoretical analysis of the social identity of judicial justice, starting from the background of the social identity of judicial justice, to the theoretical definition of judicial justice and social identity, trying to have a more correct grasp in theory. The third chapter mainly analyzes the internal relationship between judicial justice and social identity, starting from the conflict and unity of the two, and then analyzes the conflict between the two in the legal theory and judicial practice. The fourth chapter is the analysis of the reasons that affect the social identity of judicial justice, mainly from the judicial aspects (including judicial subjects, judicial decisions and judicial operation) and social aspects (including social subjects). Social environment and other three aspects of the two major angles, the causes of the problem in-depth analysis. The fifth chapter is about the path analysis of improving the social identity of judicial justice, the author also mainly from the judicial and social aspects of two major points of view. In the judicial aspect, we should improve the professional quality and professional level of the judges, optimize the operation of the judicial decision and perfect the construction of the judicial system. In the social aspect, we should strengthen the cognitive guiding mechanism and build a healthy social environment in order to improve the social recognition of judicial justice.


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