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发布时间:2018-05-08 07:21

  本文选题:小额诉讼 + 调解前置 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国市场经济体制改革取得成效,法治建设水平逐步提升,公民的法律维权意识逐渐增强,大量的民事纠纷诉诸于司法途径解决,本世纪以来大量案件涌入法院,一度造成审理积压。为了解决公民大量司法需求与司法资源紧张之间的矛盾,我国在最新的民事诉讼法中增加了关于小额诉讼制度的规定。从域外司法情况来看,小额诉讼程序确实能够缓解案件积压,司法资源分配不合理导致效率低下的现象。小额纠纷案件数量在所有民事案件中占有相当大的比例,并且此类案件当事人多为普通公民,纠纷与其基本生活密切相关,影响较大。并且中国法治精神提倡司法应面向基层,服务群众,因此需要进一步规范小额诉讼制度,为今后增强法院司法能力提供稳定健全的制度保障。当前,我国的小额诉讼制度刚刚起步,具体规定还较为简单,仅仅设定了一条一审终审的规则条文,明显还不能够满足小额案件司法运行的需要。进一步完善小额制度,不仅可以做到案件分流、专人专案提高诉讼效率,而且还能够为经济能力较弱的群众提供司法保障及服务。小额诉讼制度一方面可以保证全国司法程序的统一性、规范性及严谨性;另一方面为更多的公民接近司法提供可能。因此,本文对小额诉讼制度进行探索和研究,为我国进一步完善小额诉讼制度提供一些参考。 本文对小额诉讼的法理基础进行归纳总结,对比得出小额诉讼规则在整个诉讼法学体系中的特殊之处。并运用比较分析、图表对照方法研究域外小额诉讼相关立法模式及规则特色。通过研究小额诉讼的概念、特征得出一些规律性认识,进而为指导我国小额速裁的现状做出分析和论证。总结现今司法实践中存在的问题和缺失并提出一些解决的建议和补充。本文分为四个部分: 第一部分,小额诉讼概述,通过剖析国内外小额诉讼法学理论、基本法理,总结小额诉讼的一般概念。查阅资料梳理我国小额诉讼发展起源及进程。总结归纳小额诉讼程序的若干方面特征,为制度化研究做好基础工作与理论铺垫。 第二部分,对域外小额诉讼制度进行研究,从不同法系角度出发,分别对英美法系的典型代表国家如美国英国、大陆法系的代表如德国日本以及我国台湾地区的小额诉讼立法规则进行研究,并分析出各自的特点。并在该章末尾以传统图表的方式更为直观的进行对比释明。 第三部分,以我国近一年多的小额速裁司法实践情况为基础,并对比传统的诉讼规则和理论,总结出小额程序运行中所遇到的阻力与出现的问题。论证得出小额速裁独立于简易程序的优点及趋势,肯定小额诉讼在我国解决小额纠纷的意义。 第四部分,为进一步完善我国小额诉讼制度建言献策。大胆设想并论述我国小额诉讼制度的立法模式,阐述对小额制度进行单独立法的必要性。在诉讼主体资格限制、建立调解前置机制和简化审理形式等方面进行分析并提出相关建议。 本论文的创新点:在研究小额诉讼法学理论基础之上,结合域外立法现状,并针对我国小额诉讼司法实践中出现的问题进行归纳研究,提供进一步完善的建议。提出在小额诉讼程序中加入调解前置环节的建议等等,为今后小额诉讼制度构建提供理论分析和实践统计,进而更有力的推动司法为民和法治进程。
[Abstract]:With the reform of market economy system in our country , the level of rule of law construction gradually increases , and the citizen ' s legal rights consciousness is gradually strengthened , and a great deal of civil disputes have brought about the judicial path . In order to solve the contradiction between the large number of cases and the tension between the judicial resources , China ' s micro - litigation system has only set up the rules for the judicial operation of small cases .
On the other hand , it is possible for more citizens to approach the administration of justice . Therefore , this article explores and studies the micro - litigation system , and provides some reference for further improving the micro - litigation system in China .

Based on the summary of the legal basis of small litigation , this paper concludes that the rules of small litigation are special in the whole legal system .

The first part , the summary of the micro - litigation , through the analysis of the domestic and foreign micro - litigation law theory , basic jurisprudence , summarizes the general concept of small litigation .

In the second part , on the basis of different legal system , we study the typical representative countries of the Anglo - American law system , such as the United States , the representative of the continental law system , such as the German Japan and the Taiwan area of our country , and analyze their respective characteristics .

In the third part , based on the practice of small - speed judicial practice in recent year and compared with the traditional litigation rules and theories , this paper sums up the problems encountered in the operation of microfinance , and demonstrates the advantages and trends of micro - litigation independence from the simple procedure , and affirms the significance of microfinance in the settlement of small disputes in our country .

In the fourth part , to further improve our country ' s micro - litigation system ' s construction and expression , bold idea and discuss the legislation pattern of the micro - litigation system in our country , expound the necessity of the individual legislation of the micro - system , analyze and put forward the relevant suggestions in the aspects of the qualification limit of the subject , the establishment of the mediation front - forward mechanism and the simplification of the trial form .

The innovation point of this paper : Based on the study of the theory of micro - litigation law , combining with the present situation of extraterritorial legislation , and summarizing the problems appearing in the practice of micro - litigation in China , this paper provides some suggestions for further improvement . It also puts forward some suggestions on the introduction of mediation lead - forward link in the micro - litigation procedure , and provides theoretical analysis and practical statistics for the construction of the micro - litigation system in the future , and further promotes the judicial process of justice for the people and the rule of law .



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1 范愉;;诉讼的价值、运行机制与社会效应——读奥尔森的《诉讼爆炸》[J];北大法律评论;1998年01期

2 毕玉谦;;关于在民事诉讼中设立小额诉讼程序的思考[J];法律适用;2006年08期

3 范愉;小额诉讼程序研究[J];中国社会科学;2001年03期




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