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发布时间:2018-05-08 06:45

  本文选题:公租房租赁合同 + 合同性质 ; 参考:《甘肃政法学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Public rental housing is a new type of housing security system in our country. However, the nature of public rental lease contract is not authoritative in legislation and trial practice. Once the dispute of public rental housing contract is involved, the uncertainty of its solution will inevitably affect the efficiency and quality of dispute resolution. Therefore, the nature of public rental lease contract and what kind of law should be applied, through which ways to resolve disputes is very important. At first, this paper briefly describes the case of the dispute between Wuquan House Management Office of Lanzhou City and Yu Mou in the lease contract case and the result of the judgment. Then it analyzes the focus of the case, including the appropriateness of the trial of the disputes in the lease contract of public rental housing according to the civil disputes and whether other dispute resolution approaches can be introduced in this case, such as the non-litigation administrative execution procedure. In the second part, the author makes a deep legal analysis of the case-related issues raised earlier. At present, no matter in theory or judicial practice, scholars and judges do not have a unified understanding and application of the nature of the public rental contract. Some believe that this kind of contract is a civil contract. If disputes should be dealt with in accordance with civil disputes, it is also believed that such contracts belong to administrative contracts, and their disputes are naturally applied to administrative processing. From the point of view of legal theory, this paper thinks that to judge the nature of a certain contract, we need to analyze the elements of the contract, including the legal basis for its conclusion, the purpose of the contract to be achieved, the subject of the contract, the content of the contract, and so on. In this paper, through the specific analysis of the elements of the public rental contract in this case and the administrative behavior in the embodiment of the case, this article will ultimately determine the public rental contract as an administrative contract. On the basis of the determination of the nature of the contract, this paper makes a further study on the dispute over the contract of public rental housing, with the aim of deducing the most suitable way to resolve the dispute. The third part of this paper, on the basis of case analysis, more into the theoretical analysis, from the application of law and substantive aspects of administrative contract disputes through civil litigation settlement of various restrictions, in view of the case of public rental rent dispute, This paper further discusses the corresponding ways of dispute resolution and tries to find a more effective solution in addition to the civil judgment of the court. The fourth part of this paper leads to other ways to solve disputes in administrative contracts. Under the situation of various limitations in civil trials, non-litigation administrative enforcement becomes a new choice. Through the non-substantive examination of the administrative act, it improves the working efficiency, reduces the contact between the administrative organ and the party concerned, and can better safeguard the rights and interests of the party concerned. However, non-litigation administrative enforcement has its imperfections, such as its form review has improved the efficiency, but the defective administrative behavior often can not be found and corrected in time, which is not conducive to the maintenance of the legitimate rights and interests of the administrative counterpart. The deficiency of non-litigation administrative enforcement needs the continuous development of legal theory and practice to perfect and improve, which is exactly what this article is looking forward to.


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