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发布时间:2018-05-10 05:34

  本文选题:行政执法检察监督 + 选择性执法 ; 参考:《国家检察官学院学报》2017年05期

[Abstract]:The basic logic and path of the construction of the administrative law enforcement supervision mechanism of the procuratorial organs need to be clarified. The related research can be carried out from the selective law enforcement which is more concentrated in the administrative law enforcement. The introduction of the procuratorial supervision of administrative law enforcement can not reduce the cost of direct law enforcement, but it is due to the relative persons, the main body of administrative law enforcement and the procuratorial organs. The dual game mechanism between the law enforcement and the resulting indirect law enforcement costs form a normalization control which highlights its rule of law value and economic benefits. However, in reality, the fragmented production of the administrative law enforcement information, distribution and weak information ability of supervisors can not support the effective operation of dual game. The information sharing platform of administrative law enforcement is set up in the big data thinking, and the intensive information transmission and normalization are realized on the basis of incentive compatibility mechanism. The information platform model not only opens up a realistic path for the current procuratorial organ to construct the new mechanism of administrative law enforcement procuratorial supervision, but also has a breakthrough in monitoring the breadth, depth and accuracy. It will also promote the comprehensive modern transformation of procuratorial supervision in the concept, path and mode, thus moving towards the era of "quantitative supervision".

【作者单位】: 浙江省温州市人民检察院;
【基金】:浙江省法学会法学研究课题“行政执法监督:信息基础与机制构建”(2015 NC06)阶段性成果


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