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发布时间:2018-05-10 15:46

  本文选题:特别没收 + 检察权力 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:2012年3月份我国进行了《刑事诉讼法》的修正,在特别程序中新增了“违法所得没收程序”。该程序的设立是在多样化和新颖化犯罪伎俩不断涌现,同时司法机关追缴涉腐、涉恐等重大案件中违法所得越来越难的大背景下产生的,对此,该程序的设立毫无疑问是我国法制发展史上又一个重要的里程碑。 然而,该新增程序目前来讲只有简单的几个法律条文,几百余字,对于该项程序中检察机关权力的规定更是直接涵盖到那几个条文之中。基于当前缺乏系统完备、内容健全的检察权力运行机制,导致了我国不少学界和实务界的工作者都不由自主地开始担忧该项程序中检察权力能否保持平稳、健康运行。对此,,为了正面回应这些顾虑,本文在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,尝试对我国违法所得没收程序中的检察权力进行系统的分析、整理和研究,并试图探索一条完善我国该程序中检察权力运行的具体路径,以期实现本文之写作目的。 具体来看,除去导言和结语,本论文的结构主要分为三大部分: 第一部分违法所得没收程序的概述 该部分首先从法律规范之间关联性的角度出发,分析我国违法所得没收程序设立的历史演进和该程序在整个没收体系中的定位;其次,立足我国当前对该程序的法律规定,并在此基础上力图概括该程序的法律含义。最后,结合我国司法实践发展的客观需求,并从四个维度出发探究该程序设立的重大意义。 第二部分违法所得没收程序中检察权力运行的现状研究 该部分通过从宏观层面概述我国检察权力的运行以及从微观层面介绍我国违法所得没收程序中检察权力的运行特点,并在此基础上指出我国目前该程序中检察权力运行存在的问题和弊端。 第三部分违法所得没收程序中检察权力运行的完善 该部分通过从比较法的视角来研究域外德国和美国的特别没收模式的特点,分析其模式对于规范我国该程序中检察权力运行的启示,并结合我国的国情,最终试图探索一条完善我国违法所得没收程序中检察权力运行的具体路径。
[Abstract]:In March 2012, China amended the Criminal procedure Law and added "illegal income confiscation procedure" to the special procedure. The establishment of this procedure is taking place against the background of the increasing variety and novelty of criminal tactics and the increasing difficulty of the judicial authorities in recovering illegal proceeds in major cases, such as corruption and terrorism. The establishment of this procedure is undoubtedly another important milestone in the history of the legal development of our country. However, at present, the new procedure has only a few simple legal provisions, hundreds of words, and the provisions on the powers of procuratorial organs in this procedure are directly covered in those articles. Due to the lack of a complete system and sound operating mechanism of procuratorial power, many scholars and practitioners in our country begin to worry about whether the procuratorial power in this procedure can be maintained smoothly and healthily. In order to respond positively to these concerns, this paper attempts to systematically analyze, collate and study the procuratorial power in the procedure of confiscation of illegal income on the basis of absorbing the previous research results. It also tries to explore a specific path to improve the operation of procuratorial power in this procedure in order to achieve the purpose of writing this paper. Specifically, apart from the introduction and conclusion, the structure of this paper is divided into three parts: Part I Summary of confiscation procedure of illegal income This part first analyzes the historical evolution of the establishment of the illegal income confiscation procedure and its orientation in the whole confiscation system from the angle of the correlation between the legal norms, and secondly, based on the current legal provisions of the procedure in our country, it analyzes the historical evolution of the establishment of the illegal income confiscation procedure and the orientation of the procedure in the whole confiscation system. And on this basis try to generalize the legal meaning of the procedure. Finally, according to the objective needs of the development of judicial practice in China, and from the four dimensions to explore the significance of the establishment of the procedure. The second part: the Research on the current situation of Procuratorial Power in the procedure of confiscation of illegal income This part introduces the operation characteristics of procuratorial power in the procedure of confiscation of illegal income from the macro level and the micro level. On this basis, the author points out the problems and drawbacks of the procuratorial power operation in our country. The third part the improvement of the operation of procuratorial power in the procedure of confiscation of illegal income This part studies the characteristics of the special confiscation mode in Germany and the United States from the perspective of comparative law, analyzes the enlightenment of the mode to regulate the operation of procuratorial power in this procedure in our country, and combines the national conditions of our country. Finally, it attempts to explore a specific path to improve the operation of procuratorial power in the procedure of confiscation of illegal income in China.


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