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发布时间:2018-05-10 16:38

  本文选题:警察 + 出庭作证 ; 参考:《青岛大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:警察出庭作证是指,在法庭审判过程中,如果刑事案件被告人及其辩护人对侦查行为的合法性及通过侦查取得的证据的合法性有异议时,警察应该以控方证人的身份出庭作证,就对案件实施讯问、搜查、扣押、勘验、检查等侦查行为进行陈述或接受询问,以便法官了解案件事实,决定警察侦查过程取得的证据是否具有可采性等。 警察出庭作证,在英美法系国家是一种理所当然的情形,警察为了自己辛苦得来的证据不被法庭排除,通常会以控方证人的身份出庭接受询问。在大陆法系国家,虽然警察出庭作证制度通常没有法律的明文规定,理论上也并不认同将警察划分在证人范围内,但在司法实践中,还有很多国家存在警察出庭作证的情形。在我国,理论界长期不认同警察以证人的身份出庭作证。2010年司法解释《关于办理刑事案件排除非法证据若干问题的规定》出台后,初步明确了警察可以以证人的身份出庭作证,这是理论界的一大进步,但在司法实践中,因为与警察出庭作证制度配套的司法体系并没有完善,因此警察不出庭作证仍然是普遍情形。 警察出庭作证对刑事案件的公正审判具有重要意义,警察是否出庭作证可能影响到侦查阶段获取的证据是否可以采用,从而与刑事案件被告人的人身权利有密切关系。因此,完善我国的警察出庭作证制度,是司法实践中一件急需解决的问题。
[Abstract]:During the trial, if the defendant and his defenders in a criminal case object to the legality of the investigation and the legality of the evidence obtained through the investigation, the police should testify in court as a witness for the prosecution. In order to understand the facts of the case and decide whether the evidence obtained during the police investigation is admissible or not, the author states or receives inquiries about the investigation behavior of the case, such as interrogation, search, seizure, investigation, inspection and so on. It is a natural situation for the police to testify in the common law system. The police are not excluded by the court for their hard-earned evidence, and they usually appear in court as prosecution witnesses. In civil law countries, although the system of police appearing in court usually does not have the explicit stipulation of law and does not agree to divide the police into witnesses in theory, but in the judicial practice, there are still many countries where the police appear in court to testify. In our country, the theorists have long disapproved that the police can testify in court as a witness. After the introduction of the 2010 judicial interpretation on the exclusion of some illegal evidence in criminal cases, it is preliminarily clear that the police can testify in court as a witness. This is a great progress in the field of theory, but in judicial practice, because the judicial system supporting the system of police appearing in court is not perfect, it is still a common situation for the police not to testify in court. It is of great significance for the police to testify in court for the fair trial of criminal cases. Whether the police testify in court or not may affect whether the evidence obtained in the investigation stage can be used, which is closely related to the personal rights of the defendants in criminal cases. Therefore, it is an urgent problem in judicial practice to perfect the system of police testifying in court in our country.


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5 马嘉;李海伟;;论我国警察出庭作证制度的构建[J];中国-东盟博览;2012年07期

6 胡炜;;论新刑事诉讼法下警察出庭作证制度[J];现代物业(中旬刊);2013年07期




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