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发布时间:2018-05-11 01:45

  本文选题:职务犯罪侦查 + 解决方案 ; 参考:《人民检察》2013年22期

[Abstract]:It is gathering intelligence information to capture key clues, intelligently mining and analyzing information, guiding the investigation of job-related crimes, providing information solutions to serve the procuratorial organs in the work of anti-corruption and anti-blasphemy investigation, and helping the case handlers to quickly understand and master the crime trend. The characteristics and rules, the auxiliary guidance to study the direction of investigation and the focus of reconnaissance, is a comprehensive solution to the information-based investigation of job-related crimes which is more perfect in function system, deeper in clue analysis and more intelligent in information analysis so far. This scheme can effectively improve the efficiency of duty crime investigation, expand the investigation ideas, and promote the transformation of investigation mode from supply to evidence to from evidence to supply.


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6 韩e,




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