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发布时间:2018-05-11 18:27

  本文选题:刑事诉讼 + 第三人 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:新刑事诉讼法的出台让我们更加意识到第三人财产权的保护的重要性,虽然新法在一定层面上保护了诉讼中第三人的财产权益,但依然存在不足的地方,比如说在保护范围上还不够宽泛,在保护力度上及救济程序上都存在缺陷。同时,理论界对刑事诉讼中第三人财产权的保障的研究也较为缺乏,可谓是一大遗憾。为应对理论与实践上的困境,本文从不同的角度对该问题进行全面的分析研究,,既包括理论上的分析,也包括实践上的分析,从而提出个人建议,以此做到尽善尽美。 论文的第一部分为绪论,是总的概括,对这篇文章起到提纲挈领的作用;第二部分为刑事诉讼中第三人财产权保护存在的主要问题,在于阐述刑事诉讼中第三人的含义以及分析其财产权在刑事诉讼中存在主要问题;第三部分主要是对第三人财产权的保障存在的问题的全面透析,主要是原因、程序上的缺陷以及实践中财产认定困难的分析与研究;第四部分是对域外保护刑事诉讼中的第三人财产权益的分析,主要是分析美国、英国、日本、德国在这个问题上值得借鉴的地方;第五部分为对加强第三人财产权保护的建言,主要从原则、保障程序的建构、裁决程序的合理化等方面提出个人建议。
[Abstract]:The introduction of the new criminal procedure law makes us more aware of the importance of the protection of the property rights of the third party. Although the new law protects the property rights of the third party in the lawsuit on a certain level, there are still shortcomings. For example, in the scope of protection is not broad enough, in the strength of protection and relief procedures are flawed. At the same time, the research on the protection of the third party's property right in the criminal procedure is lacking, which is a great regret. In order to deal with the dilemma in theory and practice, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the problem from different angles, including both theoretical analysis and practical analysis, so as to put forward personal suggestions so as to achieve perfection. The first part of the paper is the introduction, which is a general summary of the article. The second part is the main problems in the protection of the property rights of the third party in the criminal proceedings. It is to elaborate the meaning of the third party in the criminal procedure and to analyze the main problems of its property right in the criminal procedure. The third part is mainly about the comprehensive analysis of the problems existing in the protection of the third party's property right, mainly the reasons. The fourth part is the analysis of the extraterritorial protection of the property rights and interests of the third party in criminal proceedings, mainly the analysis of the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, The fifth part is the suggestion to strengthen the protection of the third party's property right, mainly from the aspects of principle, the construction of safeguard procedure, the rationalization of adjudication procedure and so on.


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