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发布时间:2018-05-11 20:09

  本文选题:行政诉讼 + 立案登记制 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In order to solve the problem of "difficult to prosecute" and to protect the litigant's right of action, the fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed that: reform the system of accepting court cases, change the system of filing and examination into the system of filing and registration, and deal with cases that should be accepted by the people's courts according to law, To achieve "there is a case must be set up, there is a case must be reasonable." With the amendment of the Administrative procedure Law, the registration system can be first implemented in the field of administrative litigation. After one year's implementation, the problems existing in the legislation and the lack of corresponding supporting systems are gradually exposed, which makes the registration system difficult to implement. Based on the judicial practice, this paper investigates and inspects the implementation of the registration system in the administrative proceedings, and combines the theoretical knowledge with the essential connotation of the registration system and the reasons for its implementation. The implementation status and existing problems are analyzed comprehensively and systematically, and the corresponding countermeasures are put forward. In addition to the introduction, this article is divided into four parts. The first part clarifies the concept of the registration system of administrative proceedings, and expounds the connotation of the registration system by comparing it with the system of filing and examining. In the case of preliminary understanding of the registration system of our country, this paper compares the concept and essence of the extraterritorial registration system, and understands the registration system in the current administrative procedure law from both positive and negative aspects. This part explains the reasons for the first implementation of the registration system in the field of administrative litigation from four aspects: the increase of disputes in administrative litigation, the development of administrative right of action, the malpractice of filing and examining system, and the guidance of policy factors. It is put forward that the present registration system is not the real registration system, but the examination system. In the second part, through field visits, questionnaires, telephone interviews, and other forms of investigation and analysis of the investigation data of several courts, administrative organs and some administrative litigation counterparts in Ningbo, It is proved by chart that the cases of administrative litigation increase rapidly after the registration system is put into practice, and the types of cases show a trend of diversification. The third part, based on the second part, summarizes the three reasons for the existing problems in the current system from the current situation after the implementation of the registration system of administrative proceedings. The first reason is that there are defects in the legislation of the current registration system. It is pointed out that the legislation has no clear provisions on the contents of the examination of the administrative indictment, and there are problems such as the lack of distinction between the elements of prosecution and the elements of litigation, and the unclear supervision over the non-filing of the case. The second reason is the lack of administrative overappeal regulation procedure. The third reason is the lack of court power. It is because of these factors that the registration system is difficult to implement. The fourth part aims at the above problems based on the national conditions, combined with the extraterritorial legislation, judicial experience, proposed to distinguish the elements of prosecution from the elements of litigation, to clarify the content of administrative proceedings registration system review, to regulate the administrative overappeal. Carry out the administrative litigation mediation system, strengthen the administrative trial force and other measures to implement the registration system.


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