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发布时间:2018-05-11 20:55

  本文选题:服刑人员未成年子女 + 小组工作 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the minor children of prisoners have gradually entered the field of vision and received extensive attention. According to incomplete statistics, by the end of 2005, there were more than 600000 children of minors serving sentences in our country. What is most noteworthy is that 94.8% of them have not received any form of social assistance and are living in a difficult situation. Psychological injury seriously affects their personal development, and it is easy to wander, beg or commit crimes and lay hidden dangers for public security. Based on the development needs of the victims in reality, this study combines group social work with enhancing the resilience of minor children of prisoners by using professional practical skills and theoretical perspectives to provide professional services for the victims. Finally, the purpose of improving the environmental adaptability of the victim is achieved by enhancing the resilience. This study begins with the current situation of juvenile children's resistance to adversity, deeply analyzes the causes, development, and results of the problem, and finds out the representative factors of individual resistance. Secondly, we should find out the specific threat factors, formulate scientific group plan, and carry out the targeted resistance enhancement group. Finally, scientific and effective evaluation methods are used to evaluate the results of the team, including process evaluation and effectiveness evaluation, in which the baseline measurement method is more objective to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention. The biggest gain of this study lies in the application of the theoretical knowledge learned in practice, in the process of practice to help the victim to enhance the resilience, not only reflects the social work "help others to help themselves" values, It also plays an important role in solving the practical problems of children in difficult situation. At the same time, other types of relief work for children in distress can also draw lessons from this method and make a positive and beneficial exploration for the study of social work.


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