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发布时间:2018-05-11 20:57

  本文选题:逮捕后羁押必要性审查 + 缺陷 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:逮捕后羁押是指犯罪嫌疑人、被告人被逮捕后,为了保证诉讼的顺利进行,而对其人身自由予以剥夺的一种刑事措施。如果羁押适用不当,对于被押人员来说,其造成的侵害是不可挽回的。因此,世界各国普遍对于羁押的适用建立了严格的司法审查程序进行控制,同时设立了完善的羁押救济体系,以此给犯罪嫌疑人、被告人提供维护其合法权益的途径。相比国内,我国长期以来对羁押的审查和监督存在立法的空白,,没有构建独立的羁押审查制度,犯罪嫌疑人、被告人一旦被羁押也不能真正行使保护自己的权利。这也造成我国的逮捕率居高不下,监狱、看守所人满为患,滥用羁押、超期羁押等现象频发。 经过长期的理论探究和司法实践,2012年我国《刑事诉讼法》(以下简称刑诉法)修改,以第93条正式确立了逮捕后羁押必要性审查制度,赋予检察机关对羁押实行监督和审查的权力,此举是我国法治进程中的一大进步,具有划时代的意义。捕后羁押必要性审查制度有利于贯彻尊重和保障人权的信条,维护犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的合法权益,有利于我国宽严相济的刑事政策真正得到落实。同时,对于缓解我国高羁押率、控制羁押的滥用有所裨益。 刑诉法确立捕后羁押必要性审查制度的意义十分重大,相继出台的最高人民检察院新颁布的《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则(试行)》(以下简称《刑诉规则》)对该制度进一步细化,但是纵观整个制度,无论是法律的规制亦或实践的操作,都存在瑕疵,亟待完善。笔者基于对法律最朴素的信仰,希望通过勾勒完整的捕后羁押必要性审查制度的应然构造,使该制度在实践中能够真正发挥其应有的作用,以尽一名法学生的绵薄之力。 本文试图从以下四个部分对捕后羁押必要性审查制度进行探讨: 第一部分首先从理论层面上厘清捕后羁押必要性审查制度的基本定义,介绍该制度的功能、内涵,并对其性质进行界定,重点阐述该制度对我国法治发展进程的价值和意义。 第二部分介绍我国捕后羁押必要性审查制度的立法规制和实践状况。重点对刑诉法、《刑诉规则》相关规定进行分析,总结立法的不足之处。了解全国各地对捕后羁押必要性审查制度的实施状况,并对不同的运行模式进行评析。针对实践中存在的状况,分析阻碍该制度真正发挥作用的原因。 第三部分介绍国外的羁押司法审查制度及其司法救济体系。通过比较英美法系、大陆法系制度的异同,总结出域外羁押制度的进步之处,为构建我国的羁押必要性审查制度提供借鉴。 第四部分在前三个部分的基础上,重点书写我国捕后羁押必要性审查制度的完善。提出该制度应遵循的四大基本原则,细化羁押审查程序的各个环节和要素,同时构建相关配套措施,强化检察机关的内部权力规制和奖励机制的改革,以期对实践操作有所裨益。
[Abstract]:Post-arrest detention is a kind of criminal measure that the criminal suspect and the accused are deprived of their personal liberty in order to ensure the smooth progress of the proceedings. If custody is not applied properly, the damage caused by it is irreparable to the detained person. Therefore, countries all over the world have established strict judicial review procedure to control the application of custody, and set up a perfect detention relief system to provide criminal suspects and defendants with a way to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. Compared with domestic, there is a blank in legislation for the examination and supervision of custody in our country for a long time, there is no independent detention review system, criminal suspects and defendants can not really exercise their right to protect themselves once they are detained. This also causes our country's arrest rate to be high, the prison, the detention center is overcrowded, the abuse custody, the extended detention and so on phenomenon frequently occurs. After a long period of theoretical research and judicial practice, the Criminal procedure Law (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal procedure Law) was amended in 2012, and the system of examining the necessity of detention after arrest was formally established in Article 93. Giving procuratorial organs the power to supervise and examine custody is a great progress in the process of ruling by law in our country and has epoch-making significance. The system of examining the necessity of detention after arrest is conducive to carrying out the creed of respecting and protecting human rights, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects and defendants, and is conducive to the implementation of our country's criminal policy of combining leniency and severity. At the same time, it is beneficial to alleviate the high detention rate and control the abuse of custody. It is of great significance for the Criminal procedure Law to establish the system of examining the necessity of custody after arrest. The new Criminal procedure rules of the people's Procuratorate (trial) promulgated by the Supreme people's Procuratorate (hereinafter referred to as the "rules of Criminal procedure") have further refined the system. But throughout the system, both the legal regulation and the practice of operation, there are defects, need to be improved. Based on the most simple belief in the law, the author hopes that the system can really play its due role in practice by outlining the proper structure of the system of examining the necessity of detention after arrest, so as to make the best of a student of law. This paper attempts to explore the necessity of post-arrest detention review system from the following four parts: The first part firstly clarifies the basic definition of the necessity examination system of detention after arrest from the theoretical level, introduces the function and connotation of the system, and defines its nature, with emphasis on the value and significance of the system to the development process of the rule of law in our country. The second part introduces the legislative regulation and practice of the necessity review system of detention after arrest in China. Focus on the criminal procedure law, the relevant provisions of the Criminal procedure rules, summed up the shortcomings of legislation. To understand the implementation of the necessity review system of detention after arrest in various parts of the country, and to evaluate the different operation modes. In view of the existing situation in practice, this paper analyzes the reasons that hinder the system from playing a real role. The third part introduces the judicial review system of custody and its judicial relief system. By comparing the similarities and differences between the Anglo-American law system and the continental law system, the author summarizes the progress of the extraterritorial detention system, and provides a reference for the construction of our country's detention necessity review system. On the basis of the first three parts, the fourth part focuses on the perfection of the examination system of the necessity of detention after arrest in China. The paper puts forward four basic principles that should be followed in the system, details the various links and elements of the detention examination procedure, constructs the relevant supporting measures, and strengthens the reform of the internal power regulation and reward mechanism of the procuratorial organs. With a view to practical operation is beneficial.


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