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发布时间:2018-05-11 23:19

  本文选题:不负刑事责任精神病人 + 强制医疗 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着科学技术的突飞猛进,人们的精神压力也随之增大,忧虑随之加剧,精神崩溃者时有出现。福柯说过:“在人类遭遇的一切不幸中,疯癫状态依然是人们最应该给予怜悯和关心的不幸之一。我们对它的关注应该是毫无吝啬的,当毫无治愈希望时,仍有许多手段能使这些不幸者至少维持一种过得去的生活。”的确,精神病患者作为一类特殊的社会群体,其救助、收治、医疗和康复需要国家、社会和家庭等多方面的关心和帮助,其刑事处遇如何可以充分反映一国的人权保障水平。 对精神病人采取的强制医疗是现代社会所面临的一个法治难题,不容忽视。否则,这类人群会给正常的社会秩序和公共安全造成更大的威胁。本文认为强制医疗程序应当具有司法性。强制医疗程序针对的是实施犯罪行为时就已经为精神病人的人,所以,他们在发病时已丧失主观认识和控制能力,且还继续会有危害社会的可能性,因而,,对此类人群的处分应当慎之又慎。同时,不能忽视对他们的合法权益应当予以保护,以免精神病人的身心受到更大的摧残。 本文从强制医疗的概念、性质、功能切入分析现存的相关问题,并在借鉴域外法的基础上,针对性地构建我国强制医疗措施诉讼程序的相关体系。强制医疗的完善是一个复杂的系统工程,本文主要针对人民检察院的监督作用的发挥,使之在公安机关的侦查阶段、审查起诉阶段、人民法院的审判阶段乃至最后的执行阶段、解除阶段,最大限度地保护精神病人的合法权益,将其监督作用贯彻于强制医疗程序始终。同时,对于与不负刑事责任精神病人强制医疗相关的对策也有所涉猎和关注。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, people's mental pressure also increases, worry intensifies, and the spirit collapses appear from time to time. Foucault said: "of all the misfortunes that have befallen mankind, madness is still one of the most merciful and caring misfortunes. Our attention to it should be unstinting, and when there is no cure, there are still many ways to keep these unlucky people alive at least. " Indeed, as a special social group, psychiatric patients need care and help from various aspects of the state, society and family. How can their criminal justice adequately reflect the level of human rights protection in a country. Compulsory medical treatment for mental patients is a difficult problem in modern society, which can not be ignored. Otherwise, they pose a greater threat to normal social order and public safety. This article holds that compulsory medical procedure should be judicial. Compulsory medical procedures are directed against persons who are already mentally ill at the time of the commission of the crime, so that they have lost their subjective ability to recognize and control at the time of onset of disease and continue to have the possibility of harming society, thus, The punishment of such a group of people should be taken with great care. At the same time, the legitimate rights and interests of mental patients should be protected. This paper analyzes the existing problems from the concept, nature and function of compulsory medical treatment, and constructs the relevant system of compulsory medical measures litigation procedure in China on the basis of foreign laws. The perfection of compulsory medical treatment is a complex system engineering. This paper mainly aims at the exertion of the supervisory role of the people's procuratorate so that it can be carried out in the stage of investigation, examination and prosecution of the public security organs, the trial stage of the people's court and even the final stage of execution. In the release stage, the legitimate rights and interests of mental patients are protected to the maximum extent, and their supervisory role is carried out throughout the compulsory medical procedure. At the same time, the countermeasures related to compulsory medical treatment of mental patients without criminal responsibility are also concerned.


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