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发布时间:2018-05-11 23:31

  本文选题:重罪案件 + 刑事和解 ; 参考:《太原科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国于2013年在新的《刑事诉讼法》第五编第二章中规定轻罪案件予以适用刑事和解。面对日益复杂的犯罪行为,为了最大限度的缓解双方当事人矛盾,促进社会的和谐与稳定,针对部分重罪案件,,可以适用刑事和解制度。 鉴于重罪案件的加害人比轻罪案件的加害人人身危险性高、主观恶性大、社会影响恶劣,因此,针对重罪案件刑事和解的适用要予以条件限制。部分重罪案件刑事和解有其存在的正当性,并不必然导致“花钱买刑”,并不必然损害刑法的威严性与不可侵犯性。法律的终极目的不是为了让这个社会充满仇恨,而是要淡化人们内心的报复心理,真正地化解矛盾,促进社会的稳定与和谐。部分重罪案件的刑事和解,其实质上是一种在国家制度构架下,公权力的适当让渡,公权力与私权利之间、私权利与私权利之间达成的一定程度上的和谐。我国现行的刑事立法及政策已经体现了重罪案件在一定范围内可以进行刑事和解,而各地法院也在逐渐尝试将该制度运用于部分重罪案件的审判中,并得到越来越多公众的认可,取得了良好的司法与社会效果。同时,刑罚轻缓化是目前的国际发展趋势,也是社会发展的必然要求。因此,建立符合中国社会发展需要的部分重罪案件刑事和解制度势在必行。
[Abstract]:In 2013, our country stipulated in Chapter 2 of the new Criminal procedure Code that minor crime cases should be applied to criminal reconciliation. In the face of increasingly complex criminal acts, in order to minimize the contradiction between the two parties and promote social harmony and stability, the criminal reconciliation system can be applied to some felony cases. In view of the fact that the perpetrators in felony cases are more dangerous than those in misdemeanor cases, the subjective malignancy is great, and the social influence is bad. Therefore, the application of criminal reconciliation in felony cases should be restricted. Criminal reconciliation in some felony cases has its legitimacy and does not necessarily lead to "spending money to buy punishment", and does not necessarily damage the majesty and inviolability of criminal law. The ultimate purpose of law is not to make the society full of hatred, but to desalinate the people's inner retaliatory psychology, to resolve the contradiction and to promote the stability and harmony of the society. The criminal reconciliation of some felony cases is essentially a kind of harmony between public power and private right and between private right and private right under the framework of national system. The current criminal legislation and policies of our country have already reflected that felony cases can be reconciled within a certain range, and local courts are gradually trying to apply this system to the trial of some serious crimes cases. And get more and more public recognition, achieved good judicial and social results. At the same time, the penalty mitigation is the current international development trend, but also the inevitable requirement of social development. Therefore, it is imperative to establish the criminal reconciliation system of some felony cases in accordance with the needs of social development in China.


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