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发布时间:2018-05-12 01:17

  本文选题:检警关系 + 检察机关 ; 参考:《人民检察》2017年09期

[Abstract]:In order to meet the needs of the reform of the criminal procedure system centered on trial, the system of hearing the opinions and suggestions of procuratorial organs in serious and difficult cases, as well as the measures taken by procuratorial organs to send procuratorial offices or procurators to police stations, are all in order to meet the needs of the reform of the criminal procedure system, Through strengthening the guidance, transmission and supervision of the procuratorial organ to the investigation, we can further perfect the relationship between the procuratorial police and the police in the criminal procedure in our country, and strengthen the force of investigation and prosecution. First, the investigation of the relationship between procuratorial and police with the characteristics of separation of powers is not only a general principle of modern state power allocation, but also an important factor affecting the allocation of state power in our country. Comprehensive understanding of the structure of State Power in China and its Criminal Judicial Power
【作者单位】: 南京大学法学院;南京大学犯罪预防与控制研究所;


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1 记者 魏如松 通讯员 林s,




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