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发布时间:2018-05-12 09:32

  本文选题:执法理念 + 非法证据排除 ; 参考:《国家检察官学院学报》2013年06期

[Abstract]:The new Criminal procedure Law strengthens the procuratorial power, provides good conditions for the development of procuratorial work, and puts forward a series of major challenges. The traditional concept of procuratorial law enforcement with emphasis on strike, protection and substance, and less on procedure, obviously lags behind the level of development of the socialist rule of law embodied in the new Criminal procedure Law. The procuratorial organs are currently collecting and examining, The ability to use evidence does not meet the new requirements of the evidence system. The priority thinking of public prosecution leads to the squeeze of the role of public prosecution to relief role, and the strengthening of the supervisory power of litigation may affect the coordination among the public security bureau, the procuratorate and the court. In order to meet the challenge brought by the revision of the Criminal procedure Law, the procuratorial organ should insist on the two aspects, change and renew the idea of enforcing the law, dispel the syndrome of confession dependence, strengthen the examination of the legality of evidence, fulfill the objective obligation, and balance the functions of public prosecution and relief. Use the right of litigation supervision correctly, and coordinate the relationship between the Public Security Bureau, the procuratorate and the court.
【作者单位】: 北京市人民检察院;


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