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发布时间:2018-05-12 22:12

  本文选题:量刑 + 审判 ; 参考:《江西财经大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The standardization of sentencing from the perspective of trial is not only to bring sentencing into court proceedings, but also to regulate the discretion of judges. What is more important is to ensure that the trial activities play their due role in the sentencing process. This requires a supporting sentencing mechanism to further highlight the central position of the trial, to further ensure the transparency of sentencing activities, to achieve fair and just punishment, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. Starting with the connotation of taking the trial as the center, this paper analyzes the basic requirements for the standardization of sentencing by taking the trial as the center at present, and explains that the standardization of sentencing is the proper meaning of taking the trial as the center. At the same time, sentencing standardization can strengthen the central role of the trial, and further highlight the trial activity is a key link in the sentencing process. Seriously analyzing the current situation of sentencing standardization under the center of trial in the current judicial practice, and the main problems such as imperfect legislation of sentencing procedure, formalization of sentencing recommendations, inadequate defense of sentencing, insufficient participation of victims, etc. The causes of its emergence are briefly described. Combined with the current judicial situation, this paper expounds the procedural guarantee mechanism of sentencing standardization centered on the trial, which guarantees the independence of sentencing procedure, the effective participation of sentencing defense, strengthens the sentencing suggestion system, and consummates the victim influence statement system. Introduction of probation social investigation system and other five aspects. Finally, it is emphasized that the basis of sentencing decision, namely, the facts of sentencing, should be effectively found out, and the function of the trial should be brought into play, thus providing an objective and comprehensive factual basis for the judge to make an accurate decision on sentencing.


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