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发布时间:2018-05-13 06:40

  本文选题:诉权 + 诉讼的利益 ; 参考:《法学评论》2017年04期

[Abstract]:The interest of litigation is one of the elements of the substantive judgment of the court. This paper probes into the connotation, function and how to examine and judge the interest of the lawsuit, summarizes and puts forward some normative propositions of the examination and judgment, and further deepens the understanding of the interest of the lawsuit. On this basis, the article proposes that the interests of litigation should be removed from the existing elements of prosecution, incorporated into the newly constructed elements of litigation, and examined and judged in the litigation stage after the prosecution has been accepted. This paper also points out that the right judgment and handling of the interests of litigation need the discretion of the referee according to the specific circumstances, so it is necessary to have the corresponding judicial system to support it in order to obtain the legitimacy. At the same time, we also need more open judicial publicity mechanism to promote the classification of litigation interests and refine the normative proposition of review and judgment.
【作者单位】: 天津大学;清华大学法学院;


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