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发布时间:2018-05-13 22:24

  本文选题:证明标准 + 确信无疑 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在现有刑事处罚方式中,死刑作为对人生命权剥夺的一种刑罚,十分残酷,很多国家已经废止了死刑。在一些保留死刑的国家中,也对死刑的适用进行了严格的规定和限制。我国制定并一直沿用“保留死刑、严格适用”的刑事政策,但是近些年来发生的多起错案暴露了我国在死刑案件证明标准上的一些突出问题,如死刑案件中证明标准不科学、不明确等等问题,给错案形成留下了空间。 我国刑事立法也在不断的完善中,2010年由最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、国家安全部、司法部联合出台的《关于办理死刑案件审查判断证据若干问题的规定》和《关于办理刑事案件排除非法证据若干问题的规定》,对刑事司法起了积极的作用,但笔者认为仍存在一些理论问题没有得到根本解决,对定案证据标准仍缺乏明晰界定。 本文通过分析我国目前死刑案件证明标准的立法现状以及司法实践存在的问题,对我国的死刑案件证明标准的学说进行考察,提出怎样对我国死刑案件证明标准进行重构,并具体阐述死刑案件证明标准在司法实践中的具体运用。本文亦尝试从分析死刑案件证明标准的理论、立法以及司法现实入手,并借鉴英美等国和联合国的相关公约的规定,来阐述死刑案件证明标准的本质,分析我国死刑案件证明标准的建构和发展趋势。 引言主要阐述所涉及的几个概念——死刑的发展历史、本文研究的意义、本文的研究方法,对本文的主要范畴进行梳理和界定,对下文讨论奠定基础。第一章对我国死刑案件证明标准进行了现实考察。第二章厘清死刑案件应确立的原则,其中还介绍了域外刑事证明标准,并从中汲取对我国死刑证据标准建设有借鉴意义的一些理念和制度。第三、四章则着重对死刑证据标准体系建构进行论述,最重要的一点建议是提出我国死刑案件的证明标准应当从定罪和量刑两个方面加以建构,严格控制死刑这一刑罚的适用。
[Abstract]:In the existing criminal punishment, the death penalty as a penalty of deprivation of human right to life, very cruel, many countries have abolished the death penalty. In some retentionist countries, the application of the death penalty is also strictly regulated and restricted. Our country has formulated and used the criminal policy of "keep the death penalty, apply it strictly", but in recent years, many wrong cases have exposed some outstanding problems in the standard of proof of death penalty cases, such as the unscientific standard of proof in death penalty cases. Unclear and so on question, left the space to the wrong case formation. In 2010, the Supreme people's Court, the Supreme people's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Security, The regulations on the examination and judgment of evidence for handling death penalty cases jointly issued by the Ministry of Justice and the provisions on the exclusion of illegal evidence from handling criminal cases have played a positive role in criminal justice. However, the author believes that there are still some theoretical problems that have not been fundamentally resolved, and the standard of final evidence is still lack of clear definition. Based on the analysis of the current legislative situation of the standard of proof of death penalty cases in our country and the problems existing in judicial practice, this paper investigates the theory of the standard of proof of death penalty cases in our country, and puts forward how to reconstruct the standard of proof of death penalty cases in our country. And the specific application of the standard of proof of death penalty cases in judicial practice. This paper also tries to analyze the theory, legislation and judicial reality of the standard of proof of death penalty cases, and draw lessons from the provisions of the relevant conventions of Britain and the United States and the United Nations to expound the essence of the standard of proof of death penalty cases. This paper analyzes the construction and development trend of the standard of proof of death penalty cases in China. The introduction mainly elaborates several concepts involved-the development history of death penalty, the significance of the research in this paper, the research methods of this paper, combs and defines the main categories of this article, and lays a foundation for the discussion below. The first chapter has carried on the realistic inspection to our country death penalty case proof standard. The second chapter clarifies the principles that should be established in death penalty cases, which also introduces the standards of extraterritorial criminal proof, and draws on some ideas and systems that can be used for reference in the construction of the standard of evidence of death penalty in China. The third and fourth chapters focus on the construction of the standard system of death penalty evidence. The most important suggestion is that the proof standard of death penalty cases in our country should be constructed from two aspects of conviction and sentencing and strictly control the application of death penalty.


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