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发布时间:2018-05-13 23:33

  本文选题:财产保全 + 保全异议 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:财产保全制度本是立法者在民事诉讼中设计的为维护当事人利益,解决司法实践中“执行难”问题的一项重要制度,然而由于我国民事诉讼法对于保全制度从程序启动到程序执行方面的规定的缺陷,加之市场交易类型日益的复杂化,导致财产保全错误案件时有发生。面对因财产保全错误受损害的当事人请求追究申请人赔偿责任时,人民法院经常因为缺乏明确的法律依据可以参考,对申请人的损害赔偿责任不知如何认定,从而出现各地方法院虽然审理的是同一类型案件但是判决相互矛盾的局面。 对于因申请财产保全错误引起的损害赔偿案件,其争议之处主要在于两方面:其一,财产保全错误如何认定;其二,财产保全错误引起的损害赔偿责任的性质和主体如何认定。经过分析,这两点争议相互交织,因为财产保全是人民法院根据当事人的申请而作出裁定并执行的,所以财产保全是否错误一方面要看法院的保全裁定作出及执行是否合法,,另外一方面要看当事人的申请行为是否合乎法律规定。 财产保全行为是以法院为主体而进行的,对于保全发生错误法院可能会承担一定的责任。本案例中,人民法院在保全程序的启动、实施和保全异议三个阶段的行为均合乎现行程序法和实体法的规定,因而无需承担保全错误引起的损害赔偿责任。 财产保全是因当事人的申请行为而启动。我国《民事诉讼法》规定了当事人申请诉中财产保全行为诸多条件。当事人的申请如果不符合这些条件应当认定为申请错误,故当事人应当为错误的申请行为给被被申请人造成的财产损失承担赔偿责任,结合我国《侵权责任法》的相关规定,可以认定申请人应当为申请财产保全错误行为造成的损害承担一般侵权责任。
[Abstract]:The property preservation system is an important system designed by legislators in civil litigation to safeguard the interests of the parties and solve the problem of "difficult execution" in judicial practice. However, due to the defects in the provisions of the Civil procedure Law on the preservation system from the start of the procedure to the implementation of the procedure, coupled with the increasing complexity of the type of market transactions, property preservation errors occur from time to time. When a party who has suffered damage to property preservation mistakes requests that the applicant be investigated for liability for compensation, the people's court often does not know how to determine the applicant's liability for damages because of the lack of a clear legal basis for reference. Thus, the local courts try the same kind of cases, but the judgments contradict each other. For the case of damages caused by the application for property preservation error, the dispute mainly lies in two aspects: first, how to identify the property preservation error; second, the nature of the damage compensation liability caused by the property preservation error and how to determine the subject. After analysis, these two disputes are intertwined, because property preservation is ruled and executed by the people's court on the basis of the application of the parties, so whether the property preservation is wrong or not depends on whether the court's order on preservation is made and whether it is lawful to execute it. On the other hand, it is necessary to see whether the parties' application is in accordance with the law. The property preservation act is based on the court, and the court may bear certain responsibility for the preservation error. In this case, the actions of the people's court in the three stages of the initiation, implementation and objection of preservation procedure conform to the provisions of the current procedural law and substantive law, so it is not necessary to bear the liability for damages caused by the preservation error. Property preservation is initiated as a result of the party's application. The Civil procedure Law of our country stipulates many conditions of property preservation in the application of litigants. If the application of a party does not meet these conditions, it should be deemed to be a mistake of the application, so the party shall be liable for the property damage caused by the wrong application to the respondent, in conjunction with the relevant provisions of our country's Tort liability Law, It may be concluded that the applicant should assume general tort liability for damages caused by the wrong property preservation application.


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