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发布时间:2018-05-14 00:27

  本文选题:电子证据 + 真实性 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:空气中都漫着信息的味道。如今,智能手机、智能穿戴设备等电子设备与即时通信、电子商务等信息化应用深入各个领域,与人们生活息息相关的信息正逐步向数字化媒介转移,这与以往通过可感知的事物反映人们活动的形式相较更广泛、更复杂、更智能,可以说是人类感知和认知现实的一次变革。正确认定该些信息如何客观反映、证实人们的行为活动,是司法必须面对的挑战,为此,电子证据应运而生。电子证据是社会信息化发展的产物,通过一定的技术手段挖掘其与客观事物或事件的联系可作为证据,其法律属性和地位在2012年新修订的刑事诉讼法和民事诉讼法,及2014年修订的行政诉讼法中得到了认可,为如何审查认定电子证据是否满足证据条件提供了法律依据。但电子证据作为虚拟产物,其无形性必然导致其具有易异变、难辨真伪等其他特性,对不可感知物的收集、鉴定、审查等一系列司法活动无疑需要一套完善的规范的制度和科学的技术鉴定体系支撑。加拿大法学者加顿曾言“在审判中使用电子证据的最大挑战在于,不能轻易地将其划归传统的证据类型。”,电子证据审查认定对现有证据规则的突破体现在联合国贸法会《电子商业示范法》提出完整性标准,美国《美国统一电子交易法》、加拿大《统一电子证据法》、 《统一电子商务法》和《个人信息保护与电子文件法》、菲律宾《电子证据规则》、印度《信息技术法》等越来越多国家相继采用,在基于传统证据审查的最佳证据规则、传闻证据规则、鉴证规则运用下,更多通过外延概念界定电子证据,进一步利用证据完整性侧面推定电子证据效力,进而规避电子证据复杂的专业化的内容认定要求,从某种程度上说,电子证据认定模式涉及了法律与技术如何结合与平衡的问题。然而纵观我国当前法律体系,我国并无独立的证据部门法进一步对电子证据进行规制,存在其概念在各部门规章中的界定不清、取证依据不足、司法鉴定制度不完善、认定规则缺乏和创新不足等问题;同样,在技术方面,我国亦面临着无统一的电子证据技术规范和行业标准,取证保全操作性不高也不专,相关自主鉴定工具缺乏和性能落后等问题,为此,如何准确审查认定电子证据的真实性、合法性、关联性值得深思。法律与技术如何平衡和相互影响或将是电子证据审查认定研究的突破口。本文共分七个章节,第一章引出对电子证据认定现状、问题和建议进行阐述:第二章诠释了电子证据概念、表现形式和分类,为电子证据认定方向进行了初步认识;第三章介绍和分析了国外就电子证据的认定困境及变革思路、规则,侧面与我国电子证据认定现状进行了比较;第四章简要分析了认定电子证据有关真实性、合法性、关联性上与传统证据的关系和差异;第五章分析了我国电子证据存在的问题,主要是立法不完善、保全措施不专、司法鉴定制度不全、审查认定规则缺乏等;第六章根据我国电子证据审查认定现状,提出借鉴国际经验,立法为主,技术推动为辅,不断完善电子证据审查认定的建议。同时,就电子证据保全和司法鉴定规则的完善意见,旨在把握电子证据源头和实质内容的真实性认定,以确保电子证据审查认定在审查认定环节的真实和可靠。最后,本文着重对电子证据认定规则构建进行了初步建设,主要结合传统证据真实性、合法性、关联性等特征和国外侧面推定原则,以可采信性和证明力为出发点,从真实性、合法性角度构建可采性认定规则,而证明力方面除传统证据的关联性分析外,本文提出融入电子证据可靠性和完整性的认定规则辅以规制。其次,就电子证据非法证据排除规则构建进行了讨论,同时结合电子证据的技术性要求,本文还提出了以加强电子证据取证技术发展、推行社会第三方网络公证、规范专家鉴定制度、建立专家顾问制度等意见建议;第七章对今后电子证据发展提出了展望。本文部分内容观点多以实践角度出发,如电子证据真实性判定相关技术应用和意见总结于笔者工作经验,及取证、鉴定程序合法性规制的建议亦是笔者源于历年工作的一些思考,水平有限尚有不足,希望此举能对电子证据审查认定工作发展有所助益。
[Abstract]:All the information applications such as smart phone, smart wearer, instant communication, electronic commerce and other information applications are deep in various fields. The information which is closely related to people's life is gradually transferring to the digital media, which is more extensive than the forms that reflect people's activities through the past perceptible things. General, more complex, more intelligent, can be said to be a change in human perception and cognitive reality. It is a challenge to correctly identify how the information is objectively reflected and to confirm the behavior of people. Electronic evidence is the product of the social informational development. The association of objective things or events can be used as evidence. Its legal attributes and status are recognized in the newly revised criminal procedure law and civil procedure law in 2012, and in the revised administrative procedure law of 2014. It provides legal basis for how to examine whether the evidence is satisfied with the evidence conditions. But the electronic evidence is a virtual product, and it is not. A series of judicial activities, such as collection, identification and examination of non perceivable objects, will undoubtedly require a complete set of normative systems and scientific technical identification system support. It can easily be classified as a traditional evidence type. "The electronic evidence review finds that the breakthrough in the existing rules of evidence is reflected in the integrity standards of the electronic commerce model law, the United States, the United States, the United Electronic Evidence Law of Canada, the unified electronic commerce law, and the protection and electricity of personal information. More and more countries have adopted the sub document law, the electronic evidence rule of Philippines and the information technology law of India. In the case of the best evidence rule based on the traditional evidence review, the rule of hearsay evidence and the rules of evidence, the electronic evidence is defined more by the denotation concept, and the validity of the electronic evidence is presumed in the aspect of the integrity of evidence. In order to avoid the requirements of the complex and specialized content identification of electronic evidence, to some extent, the electronic evidence identification model involves the problem of how the law and technology are combined and balanced. However, in the current legal system in China, there is no independent evidence department in China to further regulate electronic evidence, and there is a concept in various departments. The definition of the rules is not clear, the evidence basis is insufficient, the judicial identification system is not perfect, the identification rules are lack and the innovation is insufficient. In the same technology, our country also faces no unified electronic evidence technical standard and industry standard, and it is not highly operable to obtain evidence, and the lack of independent identification tools and backward performance are also asked. To this end, how to accurately examine the authenticity, legitimacy and relevance of electronic evidence is worth pondering. The balance and interaction between law and technology will be a breakthrough in the study of electronic evidence examination and identification. This article is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter introduces the status, problems and suggestions of the identification of electronic evidence: the second chapter of interpretation. The concept of electronic evidence, the form and classification of the electronic evidence have been preliminarily recognized. The third chapter introduces and analyzes the predicament of the identification of electronic evidence in foreign countries and the thinking of change, the rules, and the comparison of the status of electronic evidence identification in our country; the fourth chapter briefly analyzes the authenticity of the identification of electronic evidence. The fifth chapter analyzes the problems of the electronic evidence in our country, including the imperfect legislation, the incomplete preservation measures, the incomplete judicial identification system and the lack of the examination and identification rules. The sixth chapter is based on the status of the electronic evidence examination and identification in China, and proposes to draw lessons from international experience, legislation and technology as a reference. At the same time, in order to ensure the authenticity of the source and substance of electronic evidence, to ensure the authenticity and reliability of the examination and confirmation of electronic evidence. Finally, this article focuses on the electronic evidence. The construction of the establishment of the rule of cognizance is preliminarily constructed, which mainly combines the characteristics of the authenticity, legality and relevance of the traditional evidence and the foreign side presumption principles. The rules of recognition of admissibility are constructed from the perspective of authenticity and legitimacy, and the proof force square is integrated with the analysis of the relevance of the traditional evidence. The identification rules of the reliability and integrity of electronic evidence are supplemented by regulation. Secondly, the construction of the exclusionary rule of the illegal evidence of electronic evidence is discussed. At the same time, combined with the technical requirements of electronic evidence, this paper also proposes to strengthen the development of electronic evidence forensics technology, promote the social third party network notarization, standardize the expert identification system, and establish a special expert system. The seventh chapter puts forward the prospect of the development of electronic evidence in the future. In this paper, some of the contents of this article are from the practical point of view, such as the application of the authenticity of electronic evidence and the opinions summarized in the author's work experience, and the evidence of forensic regulation. There are still some shortcomings in some thinking and limited level. I hope this will help the development of electronic evidence review and accreditation.



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2 赵中华;;如何审查电子证据[N];检察日报;2001年

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