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发布时间:2018-05-14 21:40

  本文选题:金融 + 检察制度 ; 参考:《四川省社会科学院》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:金融作为现代市场经济的核心体现,已经渗透到国家、企业和人们生活的各个层面,金融安全是整个国家经济安全乃至国家安全的重要组成部分。随着金融市场不断向专业化、多元化和复杂化的发展,金融犯罪问题也随之增加,由2006年检察机关移送起诉4000余件,增长至2010年的12000余件,增长率达到了31%。再之金融领域的新情况、新问题层出不穷,这势必给检察机关参与治理金融犯罪带来新的挑战,检察机关在面对金融犯罪不断增长、金融领域专业化程度较高的情形说明,按传统粗放型办案模式已力不从心。检察机关需要调整工作思路,围绕金融犯罪理论与实践问题展开预防和惩治措施,建立和完善金融检察机构,转向专业化、精细化的办案模式。 本文研究内容主要分为五个部分: 第一部分为金融检察与金融检察专业化概述。首先,对金融检察的概念、特征、性质进行阐释,科学定位检察监督在金融检察体系中的地位。其次,分析了金融检察专业化的内涵,包括职能专业化、机构专业化、人员专业化、机制专业化四个方面。 第二部分研究分析金融检察制度构建的必要性,从我国现如今金融犯罪态势问题、完善刑事司法体制、检察职业化等不同角度分析,说明金融检察制度的构建有其现实的必要性。 第三部分研究分析了金融检察制度构建的基础。首先,从理论基础出发,说明金融检察监督制度的正当性;其次,金融检察制度的构建有一定的法律依据,通过梳理我国相关法律寻找在我国构建金融检察制度的适当性;最后,分析国外关于检察制度,检察专业化,检察官专业化的立法例,为我国金融检察制度的构建提供借鉴意义。 第四部分研究我国金融检察的现状。现阶段,检察机关对于金融犯罪监督难、定罪难、公检法三机关在发展金融刑事司法体制中存在着不平衡、检察监督手段单一、金融检察专业人员缺乏等原因使得金融检察监督机制难以发挥实效。通过对检察机关遇到的瓶颈进行分析,可以有针对性的构建金融检察制度。 第五部分,构建金融检察制度的专业化发展。构建金融检察制度应坚持宪法定位、积极介入、补充性和服务金融发展的原则,处理好对内和对外的关系。以合理的方式解决金融纠纷,建立起专业化的检察机构,专门化的捕诉衔接工作机制,,明确案件的范围,培养优秀的金融检察人才。最后,妥善协调检法、检警、检管关系,做好检察引导侦查机制,建立好日常交流机制,对构建合理高效的金融检察机制是十分必要的。
[Abstract]:As the core embodiment of modern market economy, finance has permeated into the country, enterprises and people's life at all levels. Financial security is an important part of the whole national economic security and even national security. With the development of financial market to specialization, diversification and complication, the problem of financial crime has also increased, from more than 4000 cases transferred by procuratorial organs in 2006 to more than 12000 cases in 2010, the growth rate has reached 31%. As for the new situation in the financial field, new problems emerge in endlessly, which is bound to bring new challenges to the procuratorial organs' participation in the management of financial crimes. The fact that the procuratorial organs are facing the continuous growth of financial crimes and the relatively high degree of specialization in the financial field shows that, According to the traditional extensive mode of handling cases has not been able to do. The procuratorial organs need to adjust their working ideas, carry out prevention and punishment measures around the theory and practice of financial crime, establish and perfect the financial procuratorial organs, and turn to a specialized and meticulous mode of handling cases. The research content of this paper is divided into five parts: The first part is an overview of financial procuratorial and financial prosecutorial specialization. First of all, it explains the concept, characteristics and nature of financial procuratorial, and scientifically orientates the position of procuratorial supervision in the financial procuratorial system. Secondly, it analyzes the connotation of financial procuratorial specialization, including functional specialization, institutional specialization, personnel specialization and mechanism specialization. The second part studies and analyzes the necessity of financial procuratorial system construction, from the current situation of financial crime in China, improve the criminal justice system, procuratorial professionalization and other different angles. It shows that the construction of financial procuratorial system has its realistic necessity. The third part analyzes the foundation of financial procuratorial system. First of all, from the theoretical basis to explain the legitimacy of the financial procuratorial supervision system; secondly, the construction of the financial procuratorial system has a certain legal basis, through combing the relevant laws of our country to find the appropriate financial procuratorial system in China; Finally, the paper analyzes the legislation examples of procuratorial system, procuratorial specialization and procurator specialization in foreign countries, which provides reference for the construction of financial procuratorial system in China. The fourth part studies the present situation of financial procuratorial work in our country. At the present stage, it is difficult for procuratorial organs to supervise and convict financial crimes. There is an imbalance in the development of the financial criminal justice system among the three organs of the Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate and the Court, and the means of procuratorial supervision are single. The lack of financial procuratorial professionals makes it difficult for the financial procuratorial supervision mechanism to be effective. By analyzing the bottleneck encountered by procuratorial organs, we can construct the financial procuratorial system. The fifth part, constructs the specialized development of the financial procuratorial system. To construct the financial procuratorial system, we should adhere to the constitutional orientation, actively intervene, supplement and serve the principles of financial development, and deal well with the relationship between internal and external. In order to solve the financial disputes in a reasonable way, we should set up specialized procuratorial organs, specialized mechanism of connection of arrest and prosecution, make clear the scope of cases, and train outstanding financial procuratorial talents. Finally, it is necessary to properly coordinate the relationship between procuratorial and police, police and procuratorate, to do a good job of procuratorial guidance and investigation mechanism, and to establish a good daily communication mechanism for the construction of a reasonable and efficient financial procuratorial mechanism.


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