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发布时间:2018-05-15 13:55

  本文选题:暂时性法律保护 + 停止执行制度 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:暂时性法律保护制度作为行政诉讼法上一个不容忽视的议题,对其进行研究具有重要的理论及实践意义。然而,我国在该制度的构建上不成体系,亦缺乏程序的规制,以至于无法适应现今多元化行政诉讼类型的发展需求,进而无法为相对人提供及时且无漏洞的权利保护。因此,本文在解析暂时性法律保护制度基本原理的基础之上,对我国该制度的立法现状进行研究,分析其缺陷及原因,并通过比较研究之方法,汲取域外先进经验之养分,以期为我国暂时性法律保护制度的构建建言献策。 文章的第一部分主要论述暂时性法律保护制度的基础理论。本部分,笔者对暂时性法律制度的内涵及外延进行界定,辅之以性质及功能的描述,并挖掘其背后的理论及法律基础,以期勾勒出该制度的原貌、论证该制度存在的必要性和重要性。 文章的第二部分主要论述我国暂时性法律保护制度的现状及缺陷。本部分,笔者通过描述暂时性法律保护制度的现状,结合对域外有益经验的描述,指出我国的现有制度的缺陷所在:行政诉讼类型化缺失导致暂时性法律保护制度的选择与适用无法与诉讼类型相勾连;停止执行制度中三项例外规定含义模糊、实体审查标准不明、程序规制真空致使在司法实践中操作困难;保全制度的申请要件及审查标准空白、保障范围狭窄、细节性规定缺失等问题亦无益于对相对人的权益保护。 文章的第三部分主要论述我国暂时性法律保护制度的完善措施。本部分,,笔者在对域外经验进行总结的同时提炼出其制度精华,并结合我国司法实践、有针对性地提出如下改良方案:第一,在行政诉讼类型化的基础上研究停止执行制度与保全制度的相互关系,说明该制度的选择与适用问题。第二,确立停止执行制度的实体审查标准并构建起程序规则。第三,构建停止执行制度的特别命令制度以求更好地保护相对人基本权利。第四,重构保全制度的制度框架。最后,建立保全制度的申请要件及审查要件并建筑其程序规则。
[Abstract]:On the basis of analyzing the basic principle of the temporary legal protection system , this paper studies the status quo of the legislation of the system in our country , analyzes its defects and causes , and draws out the nutrient of the advanced experience in the outside world through comparative study , with a view to providing suggestions for the construction of the temporary legal protection system in our country .

The first part of this article mainly discusses the basic theory of temporary legal protection system . This part , the author defines the connotation and extension of the temporary legal system , carries on the description of nature and function , and finds out the theory and legal foundation behind it , in order to outline the original appearance of the system and demonstrate the necessity and importance of the system existence .

The second part of this paper mainly discusses the present situation and defects of our country ' s temporary legal protection system . In this part , the author points out the defects of the existing system in our country by describing the current situation of the temporary legal protection system , and points out the defects of the existing system in our country : the lack of the type of administrative litigation leads to the selection and application of the temporary legal protection system which cannot be connected with the litigation type ;
It is difficult to operate in judicial practice because of unclear meaning of three exceptions in the system of stopping execution , unclear criterion of entity examination , and vacuum of procedure regulation ;
The application requirements of the system of preservation and the blank of the examination standard , the narrow scope of the guarantee scope and the lack of detailed regulations are also beneficial to the protection of the rights and interests of the opposite person .

The third part of this paper mainly discusses the perfecting measures of the temporary legal protection system in China .



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