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发布时间:2018-05-15 21:29

  本文选题:确权诉讼 + 给付之诉 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the increasing frequency of global economic and trade exchanges, the shipping business of various countries has also developed. The great capacity of shipping makes it the main way of transoceanic trade, but the probability of accidents such as ship collision, general average and shipwreck increases. Accidents are often accompanied by disputes. The Law on Special procedures for Maritime Proceedings came into force on July 1, 2000 (hereinafter referred to as the Sea suit Act), which provides for a special maritime procedure different from any existing civil procedure, That is to say, Article 116 (1) provides for the confirmation action, which is designed in response to the restrictive claims related to the court ruling on the compulsory auction of the ship and the limitation of maritime liability fund procedure. Maritime action belongs to the category of civil action, so affirmative action is no doubt a kind of special procedure in civil procedure. As a unique special maritime litigation procedure in China, the Law on Maritime Proceedings and the interpretation of the Supreme people's Court on the Application of the Special procedure Law of the people's Republic of China concerning Maritime Litigation issued by the Supreme people's Court in 2003 > (hereinafter referred to as "interpretation of the Law of Maritime Action") it is provided for in only a few articles, Other relevant judicial interpretations are not specifically related to the right of confirmation litigation, the theoretical circle of research and discussion of the procedure is also seriously inadequate, maritime disputes frequently occur and need relevant supporting laws and regulations to regulate the judicial behavior of judges and improve the legal system. And the judicial practice also needs the unified standard to safeguard the judicial authority. According to the principle of procedural law, any legal procedure should be regulated by law from the prosecution to the conclusion of the case. It is obvious that the deficiency of the supporting provisions in the affirmative action is not in harmony with the role it plays in practice. This article will discuss from the basic theory of the right of confirmation litigation, discover, solve the problem according to the process of the procedure, and combine the disunity of the judicial practice, aiming at the phenomenon that the relevant law lags behind and the supporting stipulation is not complete in the affirmative right lawsuit. The author puts forward the author's program design for the procedural problems existing in the system of confirming the right of action, so as to make a modest contribution to the perfection of the Law of Sea Proceedings. This paper is divided into four chapters: the first chapter will discuss the concept, nature, characteristics and other basic theories of affirmative action. Although there is not much discussion on the nature of the right of confirmation litigation, the theoretical circle has been unable to form a unified understanding. The main difference lies in whether the right of confirmation action is the action of confirmation, the action of payment or the action of combination of the two. The author holds that it is the lawsuit of payment, which will be discussed in detail later. The second chapter will discuss the pre-trial procedure such as the initiation and jurisdiction of the right of confirmation. With regard to the procedural issues concerning the confirmation proceedings, there are no relevant articles in the whole Law of Maritime Action and the interpretation of the Law of Maritime Proceedings to form a relatively complete and systematic normative system for the determination of the right of action. The disharmony between the articles is also one of the important reasons for the confusion of judicial practice. There is no uniform legal criterion to regulate the judge's trial. The third chapter will discuss the trial scope, creditor's rights review and procedural transformation. The confirmation of creditor's rights is the core of the whole lawsuit, and participating in the distribution of compensation is the ultimate purpose of the right of confirmation litigation, so the third chapter is the core content of this paper. The fourth chapter will discuss the problems of the defect relief of the first instance final appeal system after the conclusion of the final right lawsuit, whether the right of confirmation litigation can use mediation to close the case and the execution of the lawsuit judgment, and so on, so as to perfect the procedural framework.


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