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发布时间:2018-05-15 19:44

  本文选题:公诉案件 + 刑事和解 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国自古以来讲究“以和为贵”,公诉案件和解程序的宗旨就是在尊重了当事人意思前提下化解当事人之间的纠纷,以充分保护当事人的合法权益。与近年来所倡导的刑罚轻缓化不谋而合。然而,由于中国的一些基层地区的习惯法治理思想和中国向来倡导的人治法文化传统对其的影响,及新刑事诉讼法和部分司法解释本身对当事人和解的公诉案件诉讼程序的规定比较广泛,导致各地司法机关在实践中对条文理解不一致,操作不相同,由此下去可能危及公平正义的底线。 因此,,本文由司法实践出现的问题着手,指出我国现行刑诉法中公诉案件和解法律规定并不明确,导致和解制度在实践中存在很多缺陷和不足,为此要求我们通过对刑事和解的范围及公诉案件和解程序监督力度及和解协议达成后履行情况等方面的具体分析,提出完善此项制度的措施。本文通过引言、正文、结论三个部分进行具体阐述。 引言部分是从司法实践中刑事和解所现存的问题着手,提出了本文所要讨论的问题。正文部分总共有三个部分,第一部分介绍了国内开展刑事和解的概念,以及刑事和解在国外的发展概况。第二部分主要详细分析现行《刑事诉讼法》关于当事人和解的公诉案件诉讼程序的法律法规,结合实践中普遍存在的和解问题指出法规本身存在一定的漏洞。第三部分针对第二部分提出的问题,提出了自己的建议。
[Abstract]:Since ancient times, China has paid attention to "peace is the most important", and the purpose of the reconciliation procedure of public prosecution cases is to resolve the disputes between the parties on the premise of respecting the parties' wishes, so as to fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. It coincides with the mitigation of punishment advocated in recent years. However, due to the influence of the idea of customary law governance in some grass-roots areas of China and the cultural tradition of human law administration that China has always advocated, And the provisions of the new criminal procedure law and some judicial interpretations on the procedure of public prosecution cases where the parties reconcile themselves are relatively extensive, resulting in inconsistent understanding and operation of the articles in practice by the judicial organs in various parts of the country. This may endanger the bottom line of fairness and justice. Therefore, this paper begins with the problems in judicial practice, and points out that the current criminal procedure law of our country is not clear about the legal provisions of the reconciliation of public prosecution cases, which leads to a lot of defects and deficiencies in the system of reconciliation in practice. Therefore, we should put forward the measures to perfect this system through the concrete analysis of the scope of criminal reconciliation, the supervision of the reconciliation procedure of public prosecution cases and the performance of the settlement agreement after the conclusion of the settlement agreement. This article through the introduction, the text, the conclusion three parts carries on the concrete elaboration. The foreword part is from the judicial practice in the criminal reconciliation extant question, has proposed the question which this article will discuss. There are three parts in the text. The first part introduces the concept of criminal reconciliation in China and the development of criminal reconciliation in foreign countries. In the second part, the author analyzes in detail the laws and regulations of the current Criminal procedure Law concerning the procedure of the public prosecution cases concerning the reconciliation of the parties, and points out that there are certain loopholes in the rules and regulations in combination with the common problems of settlement in practice. The third part of the second part of the question, put forward their own suggestions.


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