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发布时间:2018-05-16 14:44

  本文选题:检察监督 + 诉权保障 ; 参考:《吉林财经大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Now, in the judiciary, The system and mode of power supervision around the value orientation of judicial impartiality and independence are constantly being constructed and perfected. < the people] adopted by the Tenth meeting of the Twelfth Procuratorial Committee of the Supreme people's Procuratorate on September 23, 2013 Rules for Supervision of Civil Proceedings by Procuratorates (for trial implementation) > and corresponding practical application, In practice, there are many new problems, such as the sharp increase of the conflict of procuratorial law, the emptiness of the relief autonomy of the litigant's right of action, and the lack of clear limits and circumstances for the application of the procuratorial proposal of protest and retrial. These problems make the procuratorial function unable to play its due role. As a concrete system of the civil procuratorial supervision system, the retrial procuratorial supervision system has spawned new problems in the course of its theoretical development and practical operation. The constant exploration and promotion in theory, the weak running of the system in practice and the lack of a procuratorial mechanism with a high degree of compatibility and running-in greatly affect the speed and efficiency of the development of the cause of judicial justice. The development of civil procuratorial supervision system presents a new breakthrough in the application of the rule of law theory in the legislative work of practice. However, the principle of legislative norms can not provide a more operational normative guidance for the development of civil procuratorial supervision, which makes the solution of old problems in the actual procuratorial work has not found a practical and effective method. Such as how to position civil procuratorial supervision, how to achieve judicial harmony. At the same time, new problems appear constantly, how to coordinate the operation of civil retrial procuratorial supervision, the relationship between procuratorial power and judicial power, and the division of labor and convergence in the application of procuratorial suggestions of protest and retrial from the micro perspective, etc. For this reason, the author believes that, in the light of the path of discovering problems, analyzing problems and solving problems, we should mainly study from three parts: first, to locate the procuratorial supervision of retrial under the premise of making clear the occurrence of retrial cases; secondly, to make sure that the procuratorial supervision of retrial occurs. To ensure the priority of litigant's right of action, and not to lose the essential attribute of civil action; finally, to perfect judicial exchange and communication for the purpose of coordinating the relationship between procurators and law, In order to improve the supervision system of civil retrial procuratorial supervision in our country, it is necessary to perfect the connection and application mechanism between protest and retrial procuratorial suggestion in order to put forward some beneficial suggestions from the aspects of internal procedure perfection and external judicial environment guarantee.


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