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发布时间:2018-05-16 16:56

  本文选题:群体性消费者纠纷 + 群体诉讼 ; 参考:《中国计量学院》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The modern society has entered a large-scale production, large-scale consumption in the scale of economies of scale. Consumer infringement incidents also show a "scale tendency". "HP quality door" event and Sanlu milk powder incident two typical cases, fully show that the mass consumer disputes show the majority, complexity, dispersion of the infringed consumer. Sex, the homogeneity of the tort, the large gap between the two sides of the dispute, the great social influence, the harm to the social public interest, and the lack of the substance of the remedy mechanism of the litigation. In China, there are five ways to solve the disputes of consumers: reconciliation, mediation, appeals, arbitration and litigation. In our traditional litigation mechanism, the single litigation and the common litigation can not meet the needs of the group disputes, so the construction of the group litigation mechanism is particularly necessary. To build a perfect group litigation mechanism, we should first define the concept of group litigation. The determination of the concept is of great significance to both judicial practice and theoretical research. The legislation and practice of the litigation mechanism of mass consumption disputes in our country have its own characteristics. In judicial practice, the court mainly uses a separate case, combined trial, representative litigation, and public interest litigation in dealing with group disputes. Human litigation is the main group litigation system in our country and has a long development. But because of its defects in the system design, and the indifference of the attitude of the court to it, the application of the representative litigation system in our country is not much seen in the case of the newly revised "Civil Procedure Law" in.2013. The system, in 2014, the new < digestion law > stipulates the Consumer Association of the city and the city to enjoy the right of public interest. In 2015, the judicial interpretation of the civil procedure law makes a detailed regulation on the specific rules of public interest litigation. We have reason to believe that public interest litigation will play a greater role in maintaining consumer rights and solving group consumer disputes. When constructing the system of representative litigation, our country draws on the extraterritorial mechanism of the selected litigant system in Japan and other extraterritorial mechanisms. The investigation of the litigation mechanism of foreign group consumer disputes can enrich the theory of the group litigation in our country, build a better system of group litigation and perfect the system of group litigation. The first thing to answer is the reform. Secondly, we should put forward corresponding suggestions for the specific characteristics of representative litigation and public interest litigation.



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