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发布时间:2018-05-16 18:56

  本文选题:指导性案例 + 事实拘束力 ; 参考:《长春理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国历来是传统的成文法国家,成文法具有体系清晰、内容完整、逻辑严密、结构科学等优点。但从具体的司法实践来看,成文法也具有一定的局限性。例如其自身所具有的稳定性及滞后性,决定了其很容易出现不能适应社会不断发展变化的形势的情况,很多案件在为了实现遵守制定法中的形式的合法,与具体个案中对公平正义的要求之中进退两难,再加上制定法的修改和完善需要一个审慎和长期的论证过程。因此目前我们面临的亟需解决的问题,就是如何在成文法的框架下,在不根本否定现行法律规定的条件下,探索一种新的制度,以充分协调灵活性与稳定性的关系,更好的适应社会关系的急剧发展和变化。 鉴于此种情况,我们必然要探寻一种全新的制度,即具有中国特色的案例指导制度,具体在行政法领域中,鉴于行政法自身的诸多特性,例如在纷繁复杂的行政关系面前,难以形成统一的法典,行政成文法自身所具有的不周延性和抽象性也难以适应社会发展的需要,司法能动性不足,司法适用不统一等问题,在行政法领域建立案例指导制度显得尤为必要。近年来,各级法院对于实行案例指导制度也进行了很多积极性的探索,由此我们看出建立案例指导制度已经在全国范围内形成了共识,但是其在具体的审判实践中依旧面临许多亟待解决的问题,例如关于指导性案例的效力问题、如何判断待决案件与指导性案例的相似问题以及指导性案例的适用方法问题等诸多方面还存在一些争议,因而极有可能导致法官在适用指导性案例的时候,会出现无所适从的状况,本文是在通过对相关人员进行调研的基础上,对近年来发布的案例进行了搜集和整理,着重针对上述几个问题进行阐释,主要涉及目前我国行政案例指导制度所包含的基本问题及其现状分析,并试图提出一些关于完善我国行政案例指导制度的建议,以供参考和借鉴。
[Abstract]:China has always been a traditional statutory country, written law has the advantages of clear system, complete content, strict logic, structural science and so on. But from the concrete judicial practice, the statute law also has the certain limitation. For example, its own stability and tardiness determine that it is easy for it to be unable to adapt to the changing situation of society. Many cases are in order to achieve the legitimacy of the form of compliance with the statute law. The dilemma with the demand for fairness and justice in specific cases, plus the revision and improvement of the formulation law, requires a prudent and long-term process of argumentation. Therefore, the urgent problem that we are now facing is how to explore a new system within the framework of statutory law and without fundamentally negating the provisions of the existing laws, in order to fully coordinate the relationship between flexibility and stability. Better adapt to the rapid development and change of social relations. In view of this situation, we must explore a new system, namely, the case guidance system with Chinese characteristics, in the field of administrative law, in view of the many characteristics of administrative law itself, such as in the face of complicated administrative relations. It is difficult to form a unified code of law, the administrative statute law itself has not comprehensive and abstract to meet the needs of social development, the lack of judicial initiative, judicial application is not uniform, and so on. It is necessary to establish case guidance system in the field of administrative law. In recent years, courts at all levels have also carried out many positive explorations on the implementation of the case guidance system. From this, we can see that the establishment of the case guidance system has formed a consensus across the country. However, it still faces many urgent problems in its specific trial practice, such as the effectiveness of guiding cases. There are still some controversies on how to judge the similarity between the pending case and the guiding case and the applicable method of the instructive case, so it is very likely that the judge will apply the instructive case. This paper collects and arranges the cases published in recent years on the basis of investigation and research on the relevant personnel, focusing on the explanation of the above several problems. This paper mainly deals with the basic problems and current situation analysis of administrative case guidance system in our country, and tries to put forward some suggestions on how to perfect the guiding system of administrative cases in our country for reference and reference.


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