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发布时间:2018-05-16 23:28

  本文选题:专家辅助人 + 专家证人 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:20世纪是人类社会进入到信息化的时代,现代科学技术得到长足发展,刑事领域科学技术也取得突破性进展。当刑事诉讼案件中出现越来越多专业化、技术化的问题时,专家在刑事司法工作中的作用也日益突显。为了解决这些问题,大陆法系国家创建了司法鉴定制度以解决案件中的专门性问题,英美法系国家建立了专家证人制度以期来发现案件真相。无论是鉴定人制度还是专家证人制度都存在着缺陷弊端,难以满足当今社会司法实践的需要,意大利则在融合两大法系制度的基础上建立了技术顾问制度,是借鉴两大法系鉴定制度优点的典型国家。 在我国诉讼实践中,由于高科技犯罪案件日益增多,在庭审中法官对专门性问题的认定已经成为审理案件的关键。我国三大诉讼法中均规定鉴定意见是法定证据种类之一,也突显了司法鉴定在诉讼过程中的作用。作为法定证据的鉴定意见必须经过质证才能成为定案的根据,但是,随着我国对抗式刑事庭审模式改革的逐步深入,对法庭的质证、认证提出了更高要求,而我国超职权主义的鉴定机制导致鉴定意见在庭审中得不到有效的质证,主要是因为鉴定人出庭率极低,达不到预期的质证效果,最终影响法官对案件事实的认定。我国新刑事诉讼法中建立了专家辅助人制度,主要是辅助控辩双方当事人加深对专门性问题的理解,审查鉴定意见并提出专家意见。由当事人聘请专家辅助人对鉴定意见提出合理的异议,恰是解决鉴定意见无法有效质证难题的措施。刑事诉讼专家辅助人制度在我国还是一个崭新的研究领域,本文拟以我国刑事诉讼专家辅助人制度立法规定中存在的问题及具体制度完善为切入点和核心,为进一步完善该制度提出若干建议。 第一部分,探讨了“专家辅助人”的概念、特点、诉讼地位等基本理论问题,并在此基础上剖析了刑事诉讼中专家辅助人制度所具有的的功能。 第二部分,从域外相关专家辅助人制度不同的立法规定展开,剖析了英美法系专家证人选任资格、选任程序、享有的权利、履行的义务,以及专家证据的庭前开示等问题,以及意大利的技术顾问制度和俄罗斯的专家制度。并在借鉴西方发达国家在刑事诉讼中实施专家证人制度有效经验的基础上,最终为我国刑事诉讼专家辅助人制度的完善提供可行的建议。 第三部分,分析了我国目前刑事诉讼专家辅助人制度的立法现状,以及在立法规定中存在的几个问题,为今后我国专家辅助人制度在司法实践操作中的进一步完善指明了方向。 第四部分,通过吸取域外发达国家法律规定的优点和借鉴其实践经验,以及在对我国现行立法关于刑事诉讼专家辅助人制度规定存在的缺陷进行分析梳理的基础上,,对此制度的完善提出了个人的新见解,主要探讨了专家辅助人的资质认定、权利义务、专家意见的效力、对专家辅助人参加刑事诉讼程序的探索、建立专家辅助人法律援助制度等实践难题。以此弥补法律规定的模糊性,增强司法实践的操作性。
[Abstract]:In order to solve these problems , the role of experts in criminal justice is becoming more and more prominent . In order to solve these problems , the role of experts in criminal justice is becoming more and more prominent . In order to solve these problems , the law system of civil law has established expert witness system to solve the special problems in the case .

In our country ' s litigation practice , because of the increasing number of high - tech crime cases , the judge ' s cognizance of the special problem in court has become the key to the case .

In the first part , the basic theories of the concept , characteristics and litigation status of " expert assistant " are discussed , and the function of expert assistant system in criminal procedure is analyzed .

The second part , from the different legislative provisions of the assistant system of the relevant expert system , analyzes the questions such as selecting the qualification of the expert witness , selecting the procedure , the right to enjoy , the obligation of the performance , and the expert system of the expert evidence , as well as the technical advisor system of Italy and the expert system of Russia , and finally , using the effective experience of the expert witness system in the criminal procedure of the developed countries , finally , it provides feasible suggestions for the perfection of the auxiliary system of the criminal procedure expert in China .

In the third part , the author analyses the legislation status quo of the assistant system of criminal procedure experts in our country , and some problems existing in the legislative provisions , and points out the direction for further perfection of the system of expert assist in judicial practice in the future .

The fourth part , on the basis of analyzing the advantages of the laws of the developed countries and drawing on its practical experience , and analyzing the defects of the existing legislation of our country about the existence of the auxiliary person system of the criminal procedure expert , puts forward the new opinions of the individual , mainly probes into practical problems such as the qualification determination , the rights and obligations , the effectiveness of the expert opinion , the exploration of the participation of the auxiliary person in the criminal procedure , the establishment of the legal aid system of the expert assistant , and so on , thus making up the ambiguity of the legal provisions and enhancing the operability of judicial practice .


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