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发布时间:2018-05-17 00:37

  本文选题:恶意诉讼 + 滥用诉权 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the current judicial practice, there are more and more malicious litigation acts that one party damages the legitimate rights and interests of others through the appearance of lawful way for the illegal motive or purpose, and emerge one after another. Such improper litigation acts have greatly damaged the interests of one party or even the outsiders in the case, caused losses to others, collectives or even the reputation or property of the country, and at the same time wasted the resources of litigation and disrupted the order of the proceedings. And damaged the authority of our current law, infringed on the legitimate rights and interests in urgent need of relief. Fortunately, the newly amended Civil procedure Law begins to focus on such illegal acts and to restrain them in a targeted manner. However, the new civil procedure law does not construct a perfect system of malevolent litigation. Although there are still controversies on the concept, elements and basic nature of malicious litigation, comparing with the relevant experiences of foreign countries, combining with the basic national conditions of our country, judicial practice and the relevant contents of the New Civil procedure Law, We can strengthen and perfect the malevolent litigation in such aspects as prior remedy, tort remedy, other malicious litigation remedy and the remedy of the outsider in the case, so as to remedy the legitimate rights and interests that have been damaged by the malfeasance.


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