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发布时间:2018-05-17 05:20

  本文选题:执行拍卖 + 公法性质 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:民事执行问题始终是困扰我国的司法顽疾,虽然我国民事诉讼法以及司法解释等都对执行问题进行了较为系统的规定,但是执行难依旧亟需解决。在民事执行的各种措施中,民事执行拍卖无疑扮演着极为重要的角色。从制度功能上看,执行拍卖能够将被执行人财产变现以清偿债务,既能够最大限度地满足债权人的要求,同时也能够维护被执行人的利益。而且,执行拍卖能够解决执行过程中的难题,令债权债务双方都信服于最后的执行,维护了社会的稳定。应当说,执行拍卖的司法效果和社会效果都是比较显著的。正是由于民事执行拍卖的制度功能具有优越性,我国也将执行拍卖作为重要的变价措施。然而,在民事执行拍卖的立法上我国相对于大陆法系其他国家显然处于相对落后的位置,而且理论上的研究也不够深入。在司法实践中,民事执行拍卖始终缺乏明确的规范指引,既影响了执行效果,也对当事人合法权益保护不力。本文对民事执行拍卖展开研究正是基于上述背景,试图运用提出问题、分析问题并解决问题的逻辑思路将民事执行拍卖的有关问题予以阐释。 首先,本文对民事执行拍卖制度的基础理论进行了阐释。在该部分中,对民事执行拍卖的概念和特征进行了总结。这是民事拍卖制度有别于其他执行方式的基础。在理论中,对民事执行拍卖的性质有较大争议,,可分为私法说、折衷说、公法说等不同理论,每种学说都各自具有不同的观点。本部分对各种学说进行了简单的介评,认为公法说更具优势。最后,本部分对民事执行拍卖应遵循的原则进行了列举。 其次,本文对民事执行拍卖的法律效果进行了分析。由于对民事执行拍卖性质认识的不同,会推导出不同的执行效果。在公法说之下,分别就执行拍卖中拍买人所有权取得方式及时间;拍卖物的瑕疵担保责任;执行机关不当拍卖的法律效果等三个问题进行了阐释。不同的法律效力对于当事人的影响不尽一致,因此对于法律效力的判断和规定必须紧紧围绕执行拍卖的性质。 第三,本文对我国民事执行拍卖制度的现状与弊端进行了分析。我国的民事执行拍卖尚不完善,具体表现在这样几个方面:其一,在拍卖准备阶段存在审查机制不健全、拍卖成本高昂以及拍卖期日不明确等问题;在拍卖实施阶段,则存在实施主体不科学、拍卖方式单一等问题;在执行拍卖的效力上,拍卖人是否具有瑕疵担保请求权以及在不动产标的物上的权利负担如何处理等都是和当事人权益相关的司法实践问题。总之,我国现行法律以及相关的司法解释并未对执行拍卖中特殊情况下的法律效力作出明确规定,由此导致司法实践中引发的相关纠纷不断。 最后,本文对民事执行拍卖制度的完善路径提出了自己的思考。本文认为我国民事执行拍卖制度的完善可以从这样几点出发:首先,应确立民事执行机关的实施主体地位;其次,建立多重报价机制,以丰富执行拍卖当事人的选择权;再次,建立公示催告除权制度以保障执行拍卖的法律效力具有稳定性,并催促权利人及时行使权利;最后,完善对第三人或者其他权利人的救济体系,维护合法权益。
[Abstract]:The issue of civil enforcement has always been a stubborn disease in our country. Although the civil procedure law and judicial interpretation of our country have systematically stipulated the implementation problems, the difficulty of execution still needs to be solved. In the various measures of civil execution, the civil execution auction is undoubtedly playing an extremely important role. The execution auction can bring the executor's property into cash to pay off the debt, not only to satisfy the creditor's requirements, but also to safeguard the interests of the executor. Moreover, the execution of the auction can solve the difficult problems in the execution process, so the creditor and debt parties are convinced of the latter implementation and maintain the stability of the society. It should be said, implementation of the auction. The judicial effect and the social effect of the auction are quite remarkable. Because the system function of the civil execution auction is superior, our country will also carry out the auction as an important price change measure. However, our country is obviously in a relatively backward position relative to the other countries of the civil law system in the legislation of civil execution auction, and in theory. In the judicial practice, the civil execution auction has always been lack of clear normative guidance, which not only affects the implementation effect, but also does not protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. This paper is based on the above background and tries to use the logical thinking of putting forward questions, analyzing the problems and solving the problems. The issues related to the execution of the auction are explained.
First, this article explains the basic theory of the civil execution auction system. In this part, the concept and characteristics of civil execution auction are summarized. This is the basis for the civil auction system to be different from other ways of execution. In theory, the nature of the civil execution auction is very controversial, which can be divided into private law, compromise theory and public law. According to the different theories, each theory has different views. This part gives a brief introduction to various theories, and thinks that the public law is more advantageous. Finally, this part lists the principles that should be followed in the civil execution auction.
Secondly, this paper analyzes the legal effect of civil execution auction. Due to the different understanding of the nature of the civil execution auction, different implementation effects will be derived. Under the public law, the way and time for the acquisition of the ownership of the buyer in the auction are respectively carried out; the liability for the defect guarantee of the auction; the law of the unsuitable auction of the executive organ. The effects of the three problems are explained. The effect of different legal effects on the parties is not consistent, so the judgment and regulation of the legal effect must be closely related to the nature of the execution of the auction.
Third, this article analyses the current situation and malpractice of the civil execution auction system in China. The civil execution auction is not perfect in our country, which is manifested in the following aspects: first, there are some problems in the preparation stage of the auction, such as the imperfect review mechanism, high cost of the auction and the unclear date of the auction, and the existence of the auction in the auction stage. In the execution of the auction, whether the auctioneer has the right of defect guarantee and how to handle the right burden on the subject matter of the real estate are all judicial practice issues related to the rights and interests of the parties. The legal effect of special cases in line auctions is clearly stipulated, which leads to continuous disputes arising from judicial practice.
In the end, the author thinks that the perfection of the civil execution auction system can be improved from the following points: first, we should establish the main position of the civil executing agency; secondly, establish the multiple quotation machine system, in order to enrich the right to choose the parties of the auction; In order to ensure the legal effect of the auction, the legal effect of the execution of the auction is stable, and the right holders are urged to exercise their rights in time. Finally, the relief system for the third or other rights holders is perfected and the legitimate rights and interests are maintained.


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