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发布时间:2018-05-17 20:21

  本文选题:立案 + 侦查 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, the rule of law requires the country to strengthen the human rights judicial construction, to protect the human rights, to fully realize the rule of law and deepen the judicial reform, and to put the constitution into practice. Recalling the construction of the human rights guarantee system in our country after the year 2000 and the inclusion of "respect for and protection of human rights by the State" in the relevant articles of the Constitution since the amendment of the Constitution of 2004, in view of the requirements and policy considerations of the rule of law, In order to respond to the request of the Constitution to guarantee human rights and to realize the protection of human rights in the course of the administration of justice, in the revision of the Criminal procedure Law, our country has included respect for and protection of human rights in the Criminal procedure Law, as well as the comprehensive rule of law and two provisions put forward subsequently. They are all the requirements of carrying out the concept of national security, safeguarding national security and social stability, punishing crimes, strengthening the responsibility of handling cases on the basis of safeguarding human rights, perfecting the system and mechanism, and safeguarding the strength of human rights. In order to meet the requirements of the socialist rule of law, on the basis of safeguarding human rights, we should clearly realize the importance of protecting the human rights of criminal suspects, and more objectively and clearly understand the judicial practice. In particular, the phenomenon of violating the human rights of criminal suspects that still exists in the investigative links, such as "prolonged detention", "extorting confessions by torture", "illegal search, gathering evidence", "prison investigation ears and eyes", "extrajudicial investigations", etc., is based on this, in order to be more systematic. A more comprehensive study on the human rights protection of criminal suspects in the filed investigation. This paper analyzes the time of human rights protection for criminal suspects in countries with representative significance in Anglo-American law system and civil law system, through comparative analysis. Combined with the present situation of judicial practice in our country, the author draws lessons from the viewpoints and rules of perfecting the criminal suspect's safeguard mechanism in the investigation activity in our country, thus makes further consummation to the human rights safeguard mechanism of our country. This paper begins with the basic theory of human rights, analyzes the basic connotation of investigation procedure and investigation power, the theory of human rights protection and the investigation and research of the exercise of investigation power at home and abroad, and combines the abuse of compulsory measures in the investigation procedure of our country. Some general problems such as extra-judicial investigation and unreasonable internal mechanism are discussed in this paper, and some suggestions on the protection of human rights for criminal suspects in theory and in law are briefly discussed. This paper puts forward some suggestions on the protection of the human rights of criminal suspects in the investigation link, some of which have not yet been formulated by relevant departments for specific practice. There are also some suggestions, although the relevant departments have the type of regulations and to be implemented, but most of them are still in some grass-roots pilot units to implement, in the implementation of the process there are still some difficulties and friction, the author will also be improved accordingly.


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