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发布时间:2018-05-17 19:43

  本文选题:即决判决 + 简易程序 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:即决判决(summary judgment),是英美法系国家在民事诉讼中普遍适用的一种制度,是避免诉讼或简化审判的一项重要程序制度。只要申请人能提出有关事实、证人或专家证人的宣誓陈述书证明案件事实确无争点,就可以适用即决判决。这样就使那些没有实质争议的民事纠纷在审前直接被过滤掉,不仅达到了为当事人节省时间花费的目的,而且能够在保证司法公正的基础上提高了司法资源的利用效率。我国目前尚未设置即决判决制度,学界和司法界对这一制度的研究十分有限,鉴于我国民事诉讼案件的迅速增加以及"案多人少"的现状,在我国构建即决判决制度有其重要的理论和现实意义。在我国民事诉讼改革的过程中,简易程序的重要性逐渐显现出来,因为在我国的民事案件中,不乏简单的没有实质争议的案件,如民间借贷纠纷案件、损害赔偿案件,虽然很多案件权利义务关系明确,但由于督促程序本身对案件条件限制较多以至于很少能够适用督促程序在审前过滤掉,此时,英美国家的即决判决制度则给我们提供了新的考虑方向,也符合建立多元化纠纷解决机制的潮流。论文主体共分五个部分,分别从"即决判决制度的基本原理"、"英美的即决判决制度"、"引入即决判决的理论基础"、"引入即决判决的现实基础"、"我国即决判决制度的构建"五个方面进行论述。第一部分主要论述了即决判决制度的概念以及它的功能价值。第二部分是对英美即决判决制度的考察分析,具体为这一制度在英国和美国的产生与发展过程以及在这两国的立法规定,对即决判决制度有了一个全面认识。第三部分从三个方面论述引入即决判决的理论基础,分别是诉讼效益与公正原则、保障当事人的程序选择权原则以及费用相当性原则。第四部分论述引入即决判决的现实基础,具体阐述了该制度与我国督促程序可以并存,并进一步分析了即决判决制度在实现案件分流,缓解诉讼压力方面的现实意义。第五部分是对我国设置即决判决制度的构想,具体从结构设置、程序设置两方面进行分析。
[Abstract]:Summary judgment is a kind of system widely used in civil litigation in common law countries. It is an important procedural system to avoid litigation or simplify trial. A summary judgment may be applied as long as the applicant can present the relevant facts and the affidavit of the witness or expert witness proves that the facts of the case are not contested. In this way, civil disputes without substantial disputes are filtered out directly before trial, which not only saves the time for the parties concerned, but also improves the utilization efficiency of judicial resources on the basis of ensuring judicial justice. At present, the system of summary judgment has not been set up in our country. The research on this system in academic and judicial circles is very limited. In view of the rapid increase of civil litigation cases in our country and the present situation of "more cases with fewer people", It is of great theoretical and practical significance to construct the system of summary judgment in our country. In the process of civil litigation reform in our country, the importance of summary procedure gradually appears, because in the civil cases in our country, there are many simple cases without substantial dispute, such as the case of folk loan dispute, the case of compensation for damages. Although the relationship between rights and obligations in many cases is clear, because the supervision procedure itself has so many restrictions on the conditions of the case, it is rarely possible to apply the supervision procedure to filter out the case before trial. The summary judgment system in Anglo-American countries provides us with a new direction of consideration and conforms to the trend of establishing a pluralistic dispute resolution mechanism. The main body of the thesis is divided into five parts. This paper discusses the basic principles of the summary judgment system, the British and American summary judgment system, the theoretical basis of the introduction of the summary judgment, the realistic basis of the introduction of the summary judgment, and the construction of our country's summary judgment system. The first part mainly discusses the concept of summary judgment system and its functional value. The second part is the investigation and analysis of the British and American summary judgment system, specifically for the emergence and development of this system in the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as the legislative provisions in these two countries, and has a comprehensive understanding of the summary judgment system. The third part discusses the theoretical basis of the introduction of summary judgment from three aspects, namely, the principle of litigation benefit and justice, the principle of safeguarding the parties' procedural option and the principle of cost equivalence. The fourth part discusses the practical basis of the introduction of summary judgment, specifically expounds that the system can coexist with China's supervision procedures, and further analyzes the practical significance of the summary judgment system in realizing the diversion of cases and alleviating the pressure of litigation. The fifth part is the conception of setting up summary judgment system in our country, which is analyzed from two aspects: structure setting and program setting.


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1 曹家东;民事诉讼应引进即决判决制度[N];人民法院报;2004年

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2 王少哲;论即决判决[D];河南大学;2011年

3 虞萍;即决判决制度研究[D];厦门大学;2006年

4 刘燕平;论即决判决制度[D];西南政法大学;2007年

5 任毅;论民事即决判决制度[D];西南政法大学;2012年

6 张萍;即决判决研究[D];宁波大学;2014年

7 祁丽娜;论我国民事诉讼即决判决制度的构建[D];安徽大学;2016年

8 王碧兮;美国即决判决制度的发展历程[D];湘潭大学;2016年

9 闫静;英美即决判决制度及对我国的启示[D];山东大学;2017年

10 曹家东;论即决判决[D];华东政法学院;2004年




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