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发布时间:2018-05-17 18:09

  本文选题:非羁押诉讼 + 人权 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the new Criminal procedure Law, which was promulgated and implemented on January 1, 2013, "protecting human rights" is written into the law for the first time in China, and "punishing crime and protecting human rights" becomes the spirit of the new law. Under this background, the non-custodial lawsuit becomes the inevitable trend of our country's criminal procedure reform. At present, "Criminal reconciliation system" and "Special procedure for minors" have made a great breakthrough in the pretrial detention litigation system of "constitution of crime is arrest" and "constitution of crime is arrest". Non-custodial coercive measures will inevitably be widely used in the future public security work. However, due to the solidification of the traditional investigation mode of public security, the ambiguity of the scope of application of the non-custodial coercive measures, the lack of understanding of the victim, the lack of recognition of the non-custodial litigation and other factors, the new law has encountered many obstacles in the actual implementation process. Traditionally, in order to facilitate investigation, obtain confessions and ensure the smooth conduct of criminal proceedings, public security organs tend to place more emphasis on pretrial detention than on custodial coercive measures, such as bail pending trial, surveillance of residence, It is more likely to be used only when the term of detention expires or it is not suitable to be taken into custody. Therefore, there still exists the situation of "remand investigation" in the use of non-custodial coercive measures by public security organs. In addition, the ambiguity of the scope of application of the new law also makes the public security personnel at a loss in operation. Finally, under the situation of high detention rate, the public security department will also be subjected to various kinds of pressure from outside, which makes the police in handling cases appear the fear of difficulties in the implementation of the new law. In short, the new Criminal procedure Law still has a variety of theoretical and practical problems to be solved. Based on the practical experience of the public security work, this paper analyzes the present situation and difficulties of the new Criminal procedure Law in the process of handling cases by the public security organs, and provides first-hand information for the relevant research. In addition, through the comparative method, this paper draws lessons from the successful experience of the non-custodial litigation system in Europe and the United States, and proposes to perfect the legislation of non-custodial coercive measures in our country from two aspects: the applicable scope of the current non-custodial coercive measures and the non-custodial procedural procedure. Reconstructing the right to use non-custodial coercive measures, scientifically promoting the enforcement of law by public security in non-custodial litigation, and establishing a supporting safeguard mechanism. It is of theoretical and practical significance to innovate the public security work mechanism of non-custodial litigation, to conform to the trend of criminal reconciliation, to link up with the old and new litigation mechanisms, and to improve and balance the judicial custody system in our country.


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