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发布时间:2018-05-18 05:05

  本文选题:消费者 + 集团诉讼 ; 参考:《吉林财经大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放三十多年来,市场经济体制逐步在我国得以确立,商品经济的飞速发展使消费者在经济活动中扮演着越来越重要的角色。然而近年来尽管我国相关法律和政策都在不断完善,却始终未能改变消费者相对生产者和经营者弱势地位的局面。我国的消费者问题呈现出多样化、复杂化、群体化的趋势。面对这些问题,人们也在寻找相应的对策,探索解决的路径。例如小额众多消费者侵权案件如何能够得到司法救济就是其中亟待解决的问题之一。所谓无救济便无权利,那些涉及到赔偿特别是小额赔偿的大众侵权案件,消费者最终往往得不到救济或者其所遭受的损害赔偿。所以,想要更好的维护我国广大消费者的合法利益,需要在消费者权益保护法中明确和细化集团诉讼的相关规定,以此来完善和健全现有的消费者权益保护制度。 基于上述的研究背景,笔者开始了本文写作。论文共分为四个部分,第一部分是消费者集团诉讼概述,,概括性的对消费者集团诉讼的主要问题加以说明,包括消费者集团诉讼的概念和特征,消费者集团诉讼与经济法的关系,消费者集团诉讼的意义等。第二部分是我国保护消费者权益现有的法律现状及其存在的问题和缺陷,主要包括最新确立的公益诉讼制度以及代表人诉讼制度。第三部分是国外集团诉讼制度对消费者保护的比较借鉴,主要分析了美国集团诉讼和德国集体诉讼各种的特征、优势以及对我国相关制度的启示和借鉴。最后一部分是针对我国现有法律法规中的不足,为我国消费者权益保护制度的完善所提出的建议。主要集中在起诉主体资格、加入或退出机制、诉讼请求的种类以及和解制度等方面进行阐述。 《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》的修订,从充实细化消费者权益、强化经营者义务与责任、规范网络购物等新型消费方式、更好发挥消费者协会作用等方面,进一步完善了相关法律规定,对维护消费市场秩序,保护消费者合法权益①将起到更重要的作用。它必将使我国消费者权益保护的水平上升到一个全新的高度。不过,其中有关集团诉讼问题的内容只有寥寥几语,机构设置、诉讼请求等规定不够详实,缺乏可操作性。法律的滞后性决定了法律相对于变化发展的社会永远是落后的,新法必定还会有它的不完善之处,并不是所有问题都能够迎刃而解。本文运用比较分析的方法将国内外的制度进行对比,试图找出我国现有法律制度中的不足之处,并为其提出相应的解决方案。希望能够为健全我国的消费者权益保护制度提供些许的学术资源,为完善我国的社会主义法制建设略尽绵薄之力。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up for more than 30 years, the market economic system has been gradually established in China, and the rapid development of commodity economy has made consumers play an increasingly important role in economic activities. However, in recent years, although the relevant laws and policies of our country are constantly improving, it has never changed the situation of the weak position of consumers relative to producers and operators. The consumer problem of our country presents the trend of diversification, complication and collectivization. In the face of these problems, people are also looking for corresponding countermeasures to explore the way to solve the problem. For example, how to obtain judicial remedy in many consumer infringement cases is one of the urgent problems to be solved. If there is no remedy, there is no right. In the case of mass infringement involving compensation, especially small compensation, consumers often do not get relief or compensation for damages they suffer. Therefore, in order to better protect the legitimate interests of the vast number of consumers in our country, we need to clarify and refine the relevant provisions of class action in the law of consumer rights and interests protection, in order to improve and improve the existing system of consumer rights and interests protection. Based on the above research background, the author began to write this paper. The paper is divided into four parts. The first part is an overview of consumer group litigation, including the concept and characteristics of consumer group litigation. The relationship between consumer group action and economic law, the significance of consumer class action, etc. The second part is the current legal situation of protecting the rights and interests of consumers in China and its existing problems and defects, including the newly established public interest litigation system and the representative litigation system. The third part is the comparative reference of foreign group action system to consumer protection, mainly analyzes the characteristics, advantages of American group action and German class action, as well as the enlightenment and reference to the relevant system of our country. The last part is aimed at the deficiency of our country's existing laws and regulations, and puts forward some suggestions for the perfection of our country's consumer rights and interests protection system. It mainly focuses on the qualification of the subject of prosecution, the mechanism of joining or withdrawing, the category of litigation request and the system of settlement. The revision of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and interests of the people's Republic of China is aimed at enriching and refining consumer rights and interests, strengthening the obligations and responsibilities of operators, standardizing new consumption patterns such as online shopping, and giving better play to the role of consumer associations. Further improving the relevant laws and regulations will play a more important role in maintaining the order of the consumer market and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. It will make the level of protection of consumer rights and interests in China rise to a new level. However, there are only a few words about the issues of class action, such as institutional setup, litigation request and other provisions are not detailed, lack of maneuverability. The lag of law determines that the law is always backward relative to the changing and developing society. The new law must have its imperfections and not all problems can be solved easily. In this paper, we use the method of comparative analysis to compare the domestic and foreign systems, and try to find out the shortcomings of the existing legal system in our country, and put forward the corresponding solutions for them. It is hoped that it can provide some academic resources for perfecting the system of protecting the rights and interests of consumers in our country and do a little effort to perfect the construction of socialist legal system in our country.


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